
628 16 3

Requested by > me
Type > cute
Warning > fluffy smut


     I walked into my boyfriend and I's room and seen him laying on his stomach, nose in a book. Reading is his favorite thing to do.

    He says it's calming, it's entertaining and it's a way to leave reality for a while and completely dissolve into the story line.

    It's quite cute if I'm honest. I call him my little bookworm alot and he pretends to be annoyed about it but you can tell he likes it when he bites his lip, attempting to not smile.

    "Hey Babes!" I cheerfully say with a smile. He holds a finger up, indicating that he's finishing the page or chapter. I nod and sit down next to him.

     I patiently wait by looking at his gorgeous features. I will never get tired of it even though I do it every single day.

     His soft chestnut hair that always smells like coconut and caramel and his soft brown eyes that shine brightly when he smiles. Oh his smile. His teeth practically have that glint on them like in the cartoons. He says it'll help make the world better with a smile.

    The way his face scrunches up when he smiles and laughs. His laugh is so adorable. I love his light freckles and how he scrunches one half of his face when I kiss his cheek on that side. He says that it's sentimental.

    When he's reading he has the concentrated look, like he doesn't wanna be bothered and that he's really into any book he reads. He love the suspenseful and romantic genres. He says it's something that'll get you hooked.

    How when he's listening to music he loves to lay his head on my lap and loves it when I run my hands through his hair repetitively. He says it's romantic to him.

    He likes to be outside alot and just lay on the trampoline with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed with his eyes closed and a small smile. He says it's a way to connect with nature.

   He loves to cook and bake. He says it a way to calm your nerves or just to have fun. He loves teaching me how to cook things or how to bake things.

    I love how when we make love he loves it slow and gentle. He loves me holding him and peppering him in kisses. He says it's romantic and it's a way not many people can connect with each other.

I love how even though he can't talk he's so bright and positive about everything and anything.

I love everything about this boy next to me. He's my world and the sweetest man you'll ever meet. He doesn't like labels or extravagant things. He likes it simple. He once told me that he wants to live in a cabin near the lake.

    He always complains when I spoil him. He tells me I shouldn't have wasted money on him because having me is all he ever wants. He's cringy and clichè but that is how I fell for him.

   I snap out of my thoughts once I feel him tug on my sleeve. I looked over and seen him with a confused look. I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. Once we pull away he smiles brightly.

    "Today I wanna bring you somewhere" He smiles and sat in my lap so he's innocently straddling me.

    "Where?" He signs. I chuckle and shake my head.

    "I'm not telling you and before you freak on me it's free and you'll love it" He kisses my cheek in a way of thanking me.

    "Get dressed in something comfy okay babes?" He nodded and climbed off of me and to his wardrobe. I leave the room to give him privacy. It's getting late and it's almost time for the sun to set which is exactly what I want.

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