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Type> Wisdom teeth removal
Warnings> I think you're good


   Today is the day that Andy is getting his wisdom teeth removed. Everyone is excited including me. I'm a bit nervous for him knowing his anxiety isn't the best when it comes to the doctors, Dentists, meetings and all that stuff.

    Andy is cuddled into me at the moment. We're laying in bed just relaxing with each other. He's always been the cheesy romantic in our relationship. He absolutely loves cuddles though and it's the cutest thing.

    Sonny walked in the room and smiled at us.

    "Time to go" he said and I nodded. Andy whined and flipped Sonny off making us laugh.

     "I don't wanna go" He whined. I sighed knowing that he's scared. 

    "I know Ands but you have to" Sonny said with a chuckle. "Plus I can't wait till after you're out"

     "Yeah? Well I'm not excited" Andy answered. I smothered his cute chubby cheeks in kisses.

    "I will be there to take care of my little baby angel when he gets out of surgery" I whispered and he shyly smiled with a faint blush present on his cheeks.

     "I love my angel so much and even when his cheeks are gonna be even puffier he's gonna be even cuter" I coo and pinch his cheeks. He's too mesmerized by me to even slap my hands away like normal.

    "Alright enough with the lovey dovey crap and get in the van!" I hear Robbie yell from downstairs and I roll my eyes.

   "You ruined the moment!" Sonny yelled down at Robbie as he walked out of the room. I kiss Andy's awaiting lips and pull him out of our (my) bed.

    "Come on angel, let's go and get it done and over with and then you'll be back with me okay?" I asked and rubbed my thumb against his cheek with a wide smile on my face.

     He nodded and leaned into me, resting his cheek against my shoulder as my chin is resting on the top of his head. I wrap my one arm around his lower back and my other hand rests on the back of his head. His arms are wrapped tightly around my middle section.

    We rock there for awhile, basking in each others presence until Brooklyn comes in with Jack.

    "Come on its time to go" He said and I groaned.

    "I don't wanna" I mumbled. "I'm comfy"

    "Well you can get comfy later let's go" I sighed and kissed Andy's forehead before following Brook and Jack out to the van and got it, Andy next to me.


        "What do you think he's gonna be like when he's out of surgery?" Robbie asked Sonny while holding the camera.

     "Well I mean it's Andy, you'll never know with him" Sonny responded making everyone in the room laugh.

    "I think he'll be the one to cry about literally anything" Brook told the camera.

    "Honestly he might go a little crazy since he's all loopy on drugs and he's the calmed and most mature out of the band" Jack parted in. Rye thought for a minute until he came up with his side.

    "He could be all lovey dovey with us. He can be a very affectionate guy sometimes" Everyone nodded at that.

    "Especially when he's tired" Alex said and the boys all nodded.

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