
489 21 4

Requested by > insane_fowler
Type > BDSM
Warning > Self Hate

This one shot had over 2,000 words but then since I edited it offline it deleted half my progress, that's why it took so long.



I stood in front of the large mirror in the bathroom and couldn't help but feel disgusted at what I'm seeing. My thighs barely have a gap between them, my tummy is pudgy and it looks like I need to start wearing a bra. My penis isn't even that big.

All in all, I look and feel gross.

It feels like I'm in another person's body and invading their privacy. I don't feel like I belong in this body.

"Baby you almost ready? We have to go somewherevery soon" I heard my dom ask. I sighed and looked away from the mirror.

"Yeah I'll be ready in about 10 minutes!" I replied as I tugged on my pink laced panties. I liked the feeling just not how they look on me. I'm so pale and it doesn't look right. I slipped on some leggings and frowned as I looked back in the mirror.

It looks like my thighs and ass are going to rip the seams because they're so thick and gross and my ass is too big. I looked at the top I'm going to be wearing tonight. It's just a longer sweater.

I put it on and pull it down as far as it can go, which was above the middle of my thighs. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that I could still see my fatty thighs.

"Babe come on or we'll be late!" Rye yelled and I felt tears prickle in my eyes.

"Coming!" I tell back and quickly put on mascara and some concealer then added some lip gloss. I ran out and he smiled once he seen me. I don't know why he's smiling. Maybe he's hiding the disgusted look he so badly wants to let out.

Maybe he just feels bad for me because he knows I look horribe. Maybe he doesn't want me to see the disgust he's feeling because he doesn't wanna hurt my feelings.

He takes my hands and pulls me closer, kissing my forehead.

"Come on gorgeous, time to go then we can come back and do whatever okay?"I nodded, confused by the nickname but however, it still warmed my heart.

We are in a large building full of big business men and I feel like everyone is staring at me. I feel like I'm silently being judged. I gripped onto Rye's hand tighter and he pulled me closer.

I don't want to be separated from him. I don't like being around alot of people in general because of my claustrophobia. I also don't like being in public because it's easy for Everyone to spot and judge me.

Ryan doesn't know about my insecurities. He doesn't know about my past, the bullies that caused me to be so self consious. I want to keep it that way. He doesn't need to know about it. He'll just hate me even more.

A big man stepped up to us and looked at me up and down with a large snarl on his face. He and Rye talked about their company and how well they think it's going. I'm not interested in any of it. That guy keeps looking at me like I'm a piece of garbage and frankly it's not making me feel any better about myself.

I look down at my vans and feel some tears wanting to dribble down my cheeks. I hold them in and wipe at my eyes with my free hand. I feel like there are so many burning stares going through me but when I look around, nobody but that guy and another couple people are looking at me.

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