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     I looked up from my phone after hearing a crash. Rye was bent down picking up pans he dropped. 

"Ryan you need to wash your hands, you have butterfingers!" I joked laughing. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

   "Haha very funny" He sarcastically said. I laughed, sounding like a hyena. I hated my laugh if I'm honest. It's quite annoying. (No hate on Fovvs I love his Laugh)

    I go to stand up, only to be pushed back down with Rye straddling my lap. I blush lightly and raised an eyebrow. 

   "You're comfy leave me alone" He mumbled leaning forward.  I feel his lips brush against mine and I closed my eyes. He pulled away, resting his head on my shoulder. I opened my eyes before rolling them. 

"Tease" I mumbled annoyed. I felt his dirty little smirk against my neck. His tongue grazed over my soft milky skin and I closed my eyes once more. 

"Ry-Ryan" I gasp. "what are you doin- ah" I asked him moaning quietly at the ending. I gripped his thighs with a gasp.

"Nothing Fovvs" He giggled.

"Well then why ~ah~ why is your tongue a-all over my neck?" I asked. Not that I hate it because I'm not, I'm loving it. 

"Because it can be" He mumbled and left butterfly kisses in every  place he can. Once he started biting gently on my neck, Jack walked in.

"um... I'd rather not have a pornography tape happening on our couch" He told us walking to the fridge. 

"Rye s-started it" I stuttered as Rye started sucking. I huff as feel Rye let out a breathy laugh.

"Well it looks like you're his new canvas" Jack laughed as he shut the fridge and opened the water bottle. 

"H-he's a leach J-Jack" I gasped out. "please h-help" Jack laughed grabbing a banana and walked out of the kitchen. 

"Jack y-you were supposed to help!" I  helplessly yelled. 

Rye's mouth was right behind and slightly below my ear and he bit down, causing a moan to slip past my lips. 

"your moans are cute, I wanna hear them more often" He huskily whispered in my ear. I shivered and felt his hands travel down my shirt and to the waistband of my tight jeans. 

"Rye s-stop it. we're in the open ~ah~ p-plus we're best mates" I whined.

"Doesn't sound like you want it to be stopped" He started to rock his hips against mine.

"R-Rye please" I groaned. I really didn't want it to stop. I feel like I'm on cloud 9, but we're on the couch which is right across from the kitchen and next to the sliding glass doors. Mikey and Biscuit are running around the garden having a blast. 

Ryan grabbed my arms and placed them on his ass. His hands ran up my chest and tangled his slim fingers through my hair. 

"R-Rye" I whined, earning a smirk. He attached his soft lips to mine. I couldn't help but kiss back. My hands unintentionally squeezed Rye's ass. He moaned quietly into the kiss, the kiss was getting heated until he pulled away.

"Wanna do some advanced cuddling?" He asked and we laughed. I squeezed his plump ass once more and he smiled. 

"As weird as what ever that was, get a room!" Robbie yelled, laughing.

"We are in a room!" Rye yelled back. I slapped his ass and he yelped. 

"Stop being smart" I whispered and Rye nodded looking into my blue eyes.

"I don't know how you just did that Andy but, can you do that more often?" Robbie asked laughing. Andy chuckled, nodding his head as Rye's cheeks painted red.

"Sure" Andy smirked up at Rye. "gimme a kiss then go eat lunch okay?" Andy softly told the younger softly. Rye smiled at the soft tone the older used.

"okay" Rye mumbled and connected their lips slowly. Andy moved his hands up to the middle of Rye's back and rubbing small, gentle circles.

Rye pulled away and pecked Andy's lips twice more before getting up and going to the kitchen. Andy sat on the couch confused but happy. 


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