Single Dad (4) Sonny

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Dylan, 17

     Sonny watched a show on TV with his legs propped up on the wooden coffee table, a bottle of soda in his left hand as his right hand rested on his chest

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     Sonny watched a show on TV with his legs propped up on the wooden coffee table, a bottle of soda in his left hand as his right hand rested on his chest. He occasionally took a sip of the carbonated drink as his eyes followed the character's moves on the lit up screen.

    His son Dylan was at school and Sonny didn't know what to do other than sit around. It was his day off and he had no errands to run either. He kept checking his phone as if someone would text him when he turned on the device. He was used to always moving around and being busy.

His entertainment and joy was Dylan. He and Dylan were close but Dylan had his moments where he didn't want to talk to Sonny or he was mad at his father for the smallest things. Sure it upset Sonny but he didn't let it show because he knew it would pass. All the arguments were only temporary. He was sure that Dylan sneaking around and being a bit more temperamental was all going to pass soon.

As he was on the verge of falling asleep, the front door slammed open, revealing Dylan and his girlfriend. Sonny jumped, startled and listened to the kids conversation as they didn't know about it.

"Dylan what the hell do we do!?" Allie asked on the verge of tears.

"I don't know! Its stressing me out. You know I'm obviously not leaving, I don't want to turn out like my mum" Dylan replied. Sonny was confused. If this was a break up it'd be a weird one. But he can't think of what this is about.

"Its been almost 6 months! Dylan my stomach is getting bigger! There's only so much time until big tops and hoodies wont be enough. We have to tell someone and you know how rude my family is when it comes to these things. My Mum told me I need to start working out! Babe I'm scared" Allie started crying and Dylan immediately held her in his arms.

"I know, and so am I baby. I do want to tell someone but I don't want any judgement. I don't care if they judge or hurt me but if they go anywhere near you and the baby, so help me god I won't be a very nice person" Sonny was shocked to say the least. He was glad that Dylan wants to be a great father and boyfriend but he didn't know he'd get a girl pregnant this young.

"But I don't want anyone mad, I just want everyone to be happy. I don't want to be a parent because I don't want to turn out like my mum. She's so judgmental and strict. She thinks you're a bad influence because of that one day she seen you and your friends at the skate park messing around. But she hasn't seen the soft side of you. I admire you, you know?"

"And why's that sweet pea?" Sonny heard his son ask.

"Because the first day we met in 3rd grade, When I fell off that swing, you were the only one not laughing at me. When you asked me out you seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack" Allie let out a small giggle before continuing.

"When we had our first time you were horrified of hurting me. you kept asking if I wanted it, and if I was okay every 10 seconds. When I had my period and I fell asleep on your bed then got it bloody by accident, you weren't like my ex who called me disgusting and dumped me. You immediately forgot about health class and thought I was dying"

"How about we tell my father huh? I think he'll be supportive and understanding. Sure he might be a bit shocked but he's a supportive man. You know that" It went quiet and Sonny quickly acted like he fell asleep watching the television.

     "You sure Dyl?" She asked and he nodded.

   "I trust him with my life Allie. Sure I don't like hurting him and arguing but it's life. It happens you know?" Dylan knew he had to mature quicker but he's always been more mature for his age.

   "I trust you Dylan"

   "As you should Allison" Dylan pecked her lips and Sonny heard footsteps and pretended to be asleep. Dylan walked in the living room and seen his father 'asleep'. He sighed and Allie looked up at Dylan with a nervous smile.

    "Hey dad?" Dylan asked, tapping is father's shoulder a few times. Sonny acted as if he just woke up and was surprised that his son was home early from school.

    "Hey buddy" Sonny sat up and rubbed his eyes. Finally noticing Allie was behind him. "Hey Sweetie" He yawned and ran his hand through his curly hair before looking back at them.

   "Hi Mr. Robertson!"

   "Hey!" Sonny playfully said. "How many times have I told you to call me Sonny or Ryan?" She smiled and shrugged.

    "Too many times to count Mr. Robertson" He just let out a laugh before patting the couch. Allie sat on the couch beside him but Dylan sat on the coffee table across from them.

    "We have something to tell you Dad" Dylan said seriously and although Sonny knew what it was he nodded at his son. He seen Allie rest her hand on her stomach from the corner of his eye but said nothing.

    "You can tell me anything you know that Dylan" Dylan nodded and rubbed his face out of stress.

    "I'm gonna be a father" Dylan simply said and looked at his girlfriend to make sure she was okay.

    "Okay so that makes the sneaking out and snapping at me more often more sense. And I'm not mad, I'm just shocked" Sonny said and rested his head in his hands.

    "We did use protection I promise Mr. Robertson! We always do!" Allie joined in and panicked a bit which did not go unnoticed by the two men.

    "Hey I believe you. Please don't stress out!" The father said and rested a hand on Allie's shoulder. He looked up and nodded at his son.

   "I'm not going to lie I did hear your conversation when you two walked in earlier and I trust you two. Okay?" The two teens nodded and sighed in relief.

  "As for your mother Allie? She's probably not going to be that supportive because of how old fashioned she is. But you're welcome here whenever. But no more kids until you're older got it?" He asked and the two teens nodded.

    "We honestly didn't want any for another 10 years" Dylan said with a nervous chuckle.

   "Well son. Shit happens. Why do you think grandma is so young?" The father said with a smile.

   "I never thought of that"


Sorry it's short I might edit it and make it longer later but I'm in a writing mood today!! Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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