Daddy? What's that one mean?

568 12 1

Requested by- Myself
Type- Sad
Warning- Mentions of death



    My 4 year old son, Grayson and I are on the couch watching his favorite movie. He was laying on my chest while I was laying down with my head on the headrest.

   He loves to trace my tattoos and ask about them even though he's heard of the meanings several times.

    "What does this one mean?"

  I smile at the Infinity sign with his name below it. Grayson Wyatt Cobban

    "I got that one the day you were born bubs. It means infinity. I'll always you no matter what. I'll always love you forever" I softly say as a song comes on.

     "What about this one?" He pointed at the lion.

    "That one stands for strength" He giggled and nodded.

    He pointed at the 'No no no" Tattoo.

    "That was a stupid one. I got it for a music video when I was in a band" I said and laughed a little.

   "Daddy!" He laughed and smacked my chest which didn't hurt but I acted it out anyway.

    "Ouch Gray that hurt" I whined and he gasped and kissed the spot he hit over and over again. He's so sweet, the sweetest kid ever.

    "That one?" He asked pointing the six coloured dots.

   "That stands for equality. You should always treat people nicely whether they're gay or straight or whatever they are" I say and kiss his chubby cheek.

   "This one?"

   The big rose on my chest.

    "That one's for my mother, well your nonny" I explained and he smiled and traced it for a few minutes.

    What about this one!" He giggled out excidedly. The semi colon right below my heart. A wave of pain struck my heart.

    "That stands for me. That I could've ended my story years ago but I decided to continue it, That I'm strong to continue my story after it was a really low point in my life" He frowns and kisses the tattoo and then my cheek.

     "This one?"

    "I was drunk one night and went to the tattoo place and had them tattoo a monkey covering it's eyes on my hip because I was in love with someone who reminded me of that emoji" He giggled at me and I smiled.

    "This one!" The pinkie fingers connecting.

   "I promised someone very very important that I'll never leave them" I wiped a tear from my cheek before he looked up.

   "This one!" The wedding rings.

     "Me and that special someone got matching tattoos of our wedding rings in the same place on our wrists the day we got married" He smiled lovingly at it.

    "This one?" The dog collar.

    "That special someone got me a chocolate lab puppy and we named him buiscut. He was our 'first child' as they would say" I chuckled at the memory.

   "This one?" He asked and I smiled at the little baby bottle that was a blue colour.

   "I got that one the day me and the special someone found out we were having you" Gray looked up and smiled at me.

    "This one?" The music note on my arm.

    "That just stands for music. Whenever someone isn't around, music is always there" He nodded at the quote and  I laughed.

     "This one's new?" He said confused. I nodded. It was roman numerals of his birthday and his name.

    "This is for the special someone. I was too upset to get it for years and I finally got it a week ago. His name was Brooklyn David Gibson Avraam Creven Klienthos Wyatt Cobban. That's where you got your middle name from Bubs" I said trying not to cry. I couldn't help when my lips trembled.

     "How special was he?" My son asked.

     "He was your other daddy. He was my best friend, my husband. We were crazy in love since high school. He was home schooled and would always be at the top of this hill that viewed the whole city of Bristol. It was always gorgeous. That was the place we had our first kiss. All of our dates. It was the place we would go to when we were really sad and wanted to hide for a while. I proposed to him there. We even buried a time capsule there under the willow tree" I hadn't realized I was crying until Gray had his arms around my neck and he was kissing my cheek.

     "What happened to him daddy?" He curiously asked.

    "He died after giving birth to you baby. But I don't ever wanna hear you say it's your fault he's gone okay? He was already sick with a disorder and he wanted you to be safe. He knew that you would be the sweet little boy you are today and would take care of me. You are just like him and it makes me happy" I cried and cupped his chubby face in my hands.

   His chubbyness is from mostly me and his tanned skin is from both of us. He got Brooks lips, eyes, nose and small body. Where as he got my eyebrows, my laugh, my laid back personality and my football skills. Other than that everything else was Brooks.

   He smiled and nuzzled his nose against mine.

   "Will we ever go to the Bikey place together?" He sweetly asked. I smiled and nodded.

     "Yes we can and why Bikey?" I asked him.

    "Papas name is Brooklyn and your name is Mikey so together it's Bikey!" He giggled. I smothered him in kisses. He's the best thing to happen to me when Brooklyn passed. If it wasn't for Grayson, I wouldn't be here. It would've been hell if I had to live with out Brooklyn or even part of my husband.


   This idea randomly popped in my head like longer than 3 weeks ago I think. Also... part 2?

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