Single dad (2) Andy

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Collyn^ 17

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Collyn^ 17

Collyn^ 17

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Ivy^ 16

Now to the chapter!

   Andys 17 year old son has his last football (soccer) game today. Collyn smiled nervously as his father patted his back softly.

   "Are you ready Colls?" Andy asked, smiling proudly.

   "'M nervous as hell dad" Collyn said rubbing the back neck.

     "You'll do amazing Im sure of it! Plus it's at 7 so you'll have loads of time to get ready" Andy assured his son.

    "Yeah Dads right bubs. Plus Ashlyn will be there!" Andy's 16 year old daughter Ivy winked at her older brother.

     "Oooo whos Ashlyn!? Do you fancy her!?" Andy gushed like a teenager. Collyn blushed profusely and looked down, embarrassed.

    "She's my girlfriend" Collyn mumbled.

    "I cant wait to meet the lovely girl who makes my son happy!" Andy smiled.

    "Cant wait for you to meet Luca too!" Ivy giggled. "But you already know he's my boyfriend cause Im not a scared wimp" The young girl stuck her tounge out like a child.

    Ivys more of an open book than Collyn is. She came out as Bi-Sexual last year and is proud of it.

      Andy couldn't be more proud of her. He's proud that shes not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Her and her best friend Vania decided to give dating each other a try.

   After a few months they decided that being best friends was more suitable for them. Hes extremely proud of Collyn as well though.

   Collyn has a small case of social anxiety and given to as how shy the boy is, he's managed to join the football (soccer) team and got a girlfriend.


   The family of three has an hour before the game starts. They all slide in the car and buckled up. Collyn in the front with Ivy in the back.

    "Addresses please!" Andy said backing up.

    "197 Adset road!" Ivy yelled. (Random address). Andy nodded and started to drive.

    "Hey thats cool. Its 2 blocks away" Andy chuckled. Once they got there a boy that had dark auburn hair with freckles sprinkled on his cheeks and light hazel eyes that complimented his fair skin, walked up to the parked car. He was in a grey hoodie and black loose fitting jeans.

     Ivy opened the car door for him and he slid in next to her. Andy turned towards the boy and stuck his hand out. The boy flinched slightly making Andy frown.

   "Well Im Ivys dad but you can call me Andy" Andy spoke softly, drawing his hands back to the wheel.

    "Lucas but please call me Luca" The skinny boy quietly said. Andy nodded.

    "Of course" Andy hummed and looked at Collyn who looked up from his phone.

    "223 Grove st" (random) Collyn said. Andy nodded and started to drive.

    "How are you today bud?" Andy asked Luca.

    "Good good, you?"

   "Im doing great thank you for asking. you're more polite than my kids" Andy said causing Collyn to laugh. "You excided for the game?"

    "Footballs not really my thing. Im really just here for Ivy" Luca said.

    "Thats vert sweet of you Luca" Andy smiled. Luca blushed and Ivy held his hand calming the boy from his nerves.

    Andy stopped the car infront of a house and Collyn got out greeting his girlfriend. The girls long shiney black hair pulled back in a ponytail, as she had on one of collyns red hoodies and a pair of red sweatpants. Her bright green eyes making her tanned skin glow.


     The whole audience are basically on their toes and Collyn runs with the ball at his feet and guiding it to the goal, dodging past the opposing team.

      He kicks the ball, the ball slips through the goalies fingers making it in the goal. The buzzer rung and the crowd was cheering at the victory.

    Ashlyn runs on the field and into her sweaty boyfriends arms. He kisses her soft lips and pulled away happy as ever. He won the game. He walked over to his family and Luca with Ashlyn under his arm.

     "You won the game Collyn!" Andy yelled pulling his son in a tight hug. Collyn hugged back with equal strength.

    "You freaking won the game Collyn!" Andy repeated.

    "I won the freaking game!" Collyn yelled after. 

    "You know what got me to start doing this Dad?" Collyn asked.

   "What son?" Andy asked wiping his tears.

    "You" Collyn simply answered and Ashlyn smiled and turned towards her boyfriends father.

    "He's always talking about how supportive you are about whatever your kids do and he's always gushing about you guys and how great his mum was. How you were a huge football fan and he goes off about how he wants to be a football star cause it makes you happy. Your son is incredible and has the warmest heart" Ashlyn said softly and Collyn was looking at the ground below himself.

    "I couldn't be more proud of my son. Even though he has alot of anxiety, look at where he is now. He's on the football team, has a handful of friends and a girlfriend. I'm lucky to have him as a son" Andy cried a bit but pretended it was raining instead.

    "I'm proud of my brother too!" Ivy yelled as she hugged Luca who felt a bit left out.

    "Yeah, he helped me with my bullies" Luca whispered and Andy rubbed the boys shoulder.

    "You're welcome to our house if you ever need to get out hun. So are you Ashlyn" The two gratefully smiled and thanked the elder man.

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