
401 8 1

Requested by > JoChristelow
Type > Scared
Warning > nope


    I woke up from a small hand shaking my body. I groaned and turned around, seeing Brooklyn looking around while crying and shaking.

    "Hey what's wrong?" I asked and grabbed his hand. He crawled in my bed with me and got under my blanket.

     "Nightmare" He simply answered and I pulled him closer to me. He was shivering as he was cold to the touch. I rubbed his back slowly as I felt him rest his cold hands rest on my chest.

     "You're okay, It's not real" I whispered over and over again until he stopped crying. I bring the blanket up to his shoulders and hugged him tighter.

     "Why are you so cold baby?" I asked as I rubbed his back more.

    "Slept without my blanket and with the fan on" He whispered and I nodded.

    "Come on, warm up and try sleeping again okay?" He shook his head no rapidly and I sighed. He would usually go to Harper but he isn't here tonight.

     "I know you don't want to see it again but you'll be okay, I'm right here" He started to cry again and I frowned. This poor boy just wants to sleep but his head won't allow him too.

    "I'm right here baby, right here" I reached over him to grab a heating blanket since that helps me get to sleep. I remove the blanket we are using and he curled closer into me as he shivered.

     "Please hold me" He whimpered. I kissed his forehead and covered us with the heating blanket and turned it on. Once it heated up I wrapped my arms around Brook and he sighed contently. "Don't want you to leave me" 

   "I wont leave baby, I'm right here I promise" He nodded and his shivering was easing down. I rubbed his arm, in hopes that he could calm down easier. His face was rested against my chest where my heart is, His arms and hands between us and our legs entwined. 

    "Please sing Rye Rye" He whispered and I cooed at the small boy attached to me. (Play the song)

   "Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"

Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving
I'm not moving, I'm not moving

People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world

Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me (find that you're missing me)
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be (where on this earth I could be)
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet (to the place that we'd meet)
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street

'cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
(I'm not moving) and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
(I'm not moving) thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
(I'm not moving) and you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move

Soon enough, I could hear his soft breathing and cute little snores.


   Short but fluffy

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