Mario Kart

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Your POV

I balanced my phone on my marble kitchen counter and talked to my best friend that I haven't seen in months. "Hey!" She said eagerly. I smiled big and responded, "Hey Bella! How have you been?" She smiled back saying, "Good. I miss you so much though." I nodded saying, "I miss you too. You should come visit me sometime!" She gasped, "Ok! When are you free?" I thought for a second, and said, "How about in two weeks?" She thought for a minute and said, "Yeah, I think I'm free. Ok!" I smiled. I hadn't seen her in person since I moved, and we didn't FaceTime often because she has a crazy work schedule. "So," She started, "How's London? Who've you met? Is the Starbucks good over there?" I giggled and answered one question at a time, "London is cold and rainy. I've met a couple people....I'll get to that in a second. The Starbucks is AMAZING." She said, "So, who've you met and is he cute?" I laughed and said, "How do you know it's a he?" She said, "I just know. I'm your best friend I know these things." I laughed again. "His Name is Dan. He's a youtuber." She smiled. "Dan as in Dan and Phil?" I could tell she was going total phangirl. She looked behind her, like someone came in her room. She said a couple of "oks" and "sures". She turned back to the camera and said, "I have to go. I'll call again later ok?" I nodded and we said our goodbyes. I went lay down, and put my phone on my bedside table. I turned on the TV and I watched some Criminal Minds (sorry if you don't watch that or know what it is). I heard my phone buzz and I saw a text from Dan.

(Black is Dan and italics is you)

Hey, wanna come over and play Mario kart? I saw on your channel that you're pretty good.

I am. Are you sure you want to lose to a girl?

Pfft. Please. TRY to beat me and I'll be impressed.

Alright, cocky, I'm coming over in a half hour.

I smiled and decided to take a shower. I heard "Celebrate" and thought it'd be funny to sing some "Into The Woods" to shake things up. I started singing "Your Fault" and got out the shower. I wondered if my soulmate would be annoyed. I smiled at the thought.

I put on some black leggings and a grey sweatshirt. I pulled on my green slip-ons and walked accross the hall. I knocked on the door, and a few seconds later it opened. I saw Dan, and he looked like he had just woken up. I giggled at the sight, and he invited me in. I walked in and he showed me to the couch. He set up the Nintendo Switch, and put on Mario Kart. He selected his Mii character, and I chose dry bones. "Dry bones?" He said, questioning me. I smiled and responded, "Yes. He's obviously the best character. You'll see."

We played four races, and we kept going between first and second. It was the last race, and I was only a couple points behind Dan. If I got first place, I'd win the whole game. The first two laps he was in first and I was in fifth. The last lap came along, and he was a couple turns away from the finish line. I was in second place, and I got a blue shell. I gasped, and shot it. It blew him up, and I sped up, crossing the finish line in first place. There was a lot of screaming going on. We laughed a lot after that, and I eventually said I should go back to my appartment because I needed to film. He said ok, and I left.

I flopped onto my bed smiling to myself about how much fun I had when I was around Dan. He just made me so happy. Even when I watch his videos, he makes me laugh and smile. He's such a great person. As I was thinking this, I realized...

Oh God. I have a crush on Dan Howell.

Thanks for reading, bye💖

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