Our Song

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I was startled awake by a noise coming from the balcony. I slipped out from under Dan's protective arm, throwing my legs over the bedside. The alarm clock read 7:00. Cautiously, I walked to the sliding door, and pulled back the curtain.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Your POV

He was standing there. The same homeless-looking man from the airport.

I didn't know what to do. He was just smiling at me like before. As if this were some public place. But it wasn't. It was my hotel room. Dan and I's hotel room.

I looked down to his hand. He was holding a knife. My eyes widened; This was not good.

I backed up to the foot of the bed. I reached over and shook Dan's leg, waking him up. He woke up and looked around.

He saw the man on the balcony and turned to me, getting up quickly.

He stood between me and the door, continuing to back away from it. He had his arm out, protecting me from any danger this man could cause.

The man reached for the handle, and slowly pulled the door open. "Go get Phil," he mumbled quickly, still holding out his arm to protect me, "Go, now." I ran to get Phil.

I burst into Phil and Bella's room, rambling about the man in our room. I was explaining how we had seen him before when I heard Dan call out in pain, so I rushed back to our room, Phil trailing behind me.

Dan was on the floor, bleeding from a stab wound in his stomach, the knife still in. I ran to him, starting to cry. "I'm gonna have to take it out," I said to him. He nodded as I grasped the handle firmly. "One, two, three," I said, pulling the knife out quickly. He called out in pain causing me to cry harder.

Phil has been trying to get the knife away from the man, but turned when Dan called out. The man cut Phil's bicep deeply and retreated to the balcony. He just....jumped off. We were on the fifth floor so there's no way he survived. Phil looked over the edge, and turned back to me, shaking his head.

I turned my attention back to Dan, who was clutching his stomach. "Phil, call 911," I said in a rushed and scared tone. He pulled out his phone, dialing quickly.

"You're gonna be ok," I told Dan. "Y/n," he said, "I'm sorry," I looked him in the eyes, tears streaming down my face. "Why are you sorry?" I choked through my sobs. He couldn't get the words out.

"Dan, it's ok." I took a breath to calm myself, though it didn't really help. "You're going to be ok. You have to be," I told him, holding his hands of his wound. Phil went on the other side of him and put his hands over mine. "She's right you know," he said, a few tears escaping from his eyes.

He turned to Phil, "I love you Phil," he said. A few more tears fell from his face as Phil responded, "I love you too, Dan."

Dan mumbled something else, to which Phil nodded, but whatever Dan said caused more tears to pour from Phil's eyes.

He smiled slightly, turning to me, "Y/n...I-I....I love you." I cried even harder. "I love you too," I said. He started to close his eyes, "Dan! Dan stay with us!" Phil and I both tried to keep him conscious.

Eventually, the paramedics bursted through the door and swarmed around Dan's body. Phil pulled me back so they could work on keeping Dan alive.

They were saying a bunch of stuff I didn't really understand, but I could hear them say that he still had a pulse.

Phil held me as I cried. He was consoling me as they fiddled with Dan. He told me, "He'll be ok," though I could tell he was really worried.

They put him on a gurney and wheeled him out. We followed them to the front of the hotel.

"You should go with him in the ambulance," Phil told me, "I'll drive Bella and I to the hospital."

I nodded and squeezed his hand, climbing into the back of the ambulance. They were working on him, and I just sat there, observing. I started to hum a song that he loved. He told me it was "our song".

I reached out and grabbed his hand, the only thing I could touch since they were working on his upper abdomen. I mumbled the lyrics quietly, drowning out all the other noises, tears still falling steadily.

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say they can say I've lost my mind

I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy

We can live in a world that we design

Cause every night I lie in bed, the brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be, a vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take...

A millions dreams for the world we're gonna make.

Romans 5:5

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