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I wrote this in my other book but 

1: I'm making a new book (lancexreader) and it will PROBABLY be posted on Sunday. 

2: at the end of every chapter I'll put a bible verse that I like and think you should look up if you want to. (also: slight trigger warning. It's not too bad but I want to warn you just in case.) Enjoy!

Your POV

We were on race 17, and Dan was winning. We decided to pause it and take a bathroom break, then get back to it. I checked the time as Dan walked to the bathroom, and it was only 2:25. He came back, and we unpaused the game. We played the rest of the races, Dan winning. He boasted, and I challenged him to DDR, since it was only about 3:00 at this point. If Bella hadn't woken up from all the screaming, she wasn't going to. 

We got his DDR board from his apartment since I didn't have one. "Look, I've only payed this twice so go easy on me ok?" He smiled like he wasn't going to, but he said, "Mhm..ok." I sighed, and we got to playing. Suprisingly, I was doing pretty good. I came first by one point, and Dan was clearly very annoyed at this. I checked the time, and it was 4:00 AM. We sat on the couch, and talked. At first it was just stupid chit chat, but we ended up getting pretty deep. We talked about our past, and I told him some of mine. As I was telling him, I realized he probably knew some of this already since he watched my videos. I kept talking anyway, and just really got into my past. He didn't interrupt once. He just listened. I told him about my school and how I was bullied. I told him about my parents always fighting. Then I got into my ex. I was very hesitant to tell him, but something about telling someone other than Bella sounded nice. 

"His name was Brody, and...h-he wasn't the best." I sighed, and Dan put his hand on my leg, reassuring me. I gave him a smile, and continued. "He would get physical when we fought, which was often. He always wanted me to do something a certain way and when I didn't he'd get angry....and physical. I blamed myself." I lifted my sleeves to reveal four scars on each arm. He gasped slightly at first, and I pulled my sleeves down. I blushed, a little ashamed of what I revealed. He shook his head, saying, "Y/n, it's ok. How long has it been? Since you last...cut?" I thought for a moment, "Probably about six months. I broke up with him a month before I moved here which was about a year ago." He smiled, "That's good." I nodded. I was surprised with how much I've shared with him, and impressed. I felt so much closer to him. Like, he understood me now or something. I don't know. I looked at the clock again, and it was now 5:15. "Oh, should probably get back." He nodded. I walked him to the door, and as he was walking out, he said, "Y/n...thanks for sharing." And he hugged me. It was a comforting hug, and it took me a second to understand and hug back. We stayed like that for about a minute, and we pulled apart. He walked across the hall, and I closed the door. I leaned against it, and sank to the floor. I thought over everything that had happened in the last hours, and smiled. I got closer to Dan. He was such a great guy. I got up from my position on the floor and went to my bedroom. I climbed into my covers and fell asleep quickly, still thinking over everything that happened.

Sorry that these chapters are so short, but I write them quickly and I don't want it to drag on or get repetitive.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Thanks for reading; bye💖

Soulmates (soulmate AU)  {danxreader}Where stories live. Discover now