Forever and Always

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Three days later

I booked a flight to London for Phil, Dan, Bella, and I. Phil wanted Bella to stay in the U.S but she wanted to go with him.

Dan was getting his things together, while I looked out the window, trying to wrap my mind around all this. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, we'll get through this."

I sighed and turned, hugging him. "Let's think about something else," he said. I pulled away, looking into his dark eyes. "Like what?" He smiled, "I dunno...our wedding maybe?"

I smiled, "When should we do it?" I asked, "I mean, if we do it before it'd have to be small but, then again I may not-" he put his hand over my mouth.

"Happy thoughts," he said, lowering his hand, "And I think we should do it next week," he started packing his things again. I laughed and he turned to me, confused. My smile fell, "You're serious?"

"We've only been engaged for three days, it's all a little fast don't you think?" He shook his head, grabbing my hands in his, "Y/n, I know, believe me, I know. I was always afraid of commitment. I only dated a couple of girls and when things started to get serious, I left. You were different."

I smiled as he continued, "I knew the moment I saw you, you weren't like the other girls. You were different. And when things started getting serious, there was a voice in my head telling me to leave, run, hide, but I didn't because of another voice. It said to stay, because this is the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with."

A tear fell from my eye and my smile grew, "I knew the voice was right," he continued, "I knew I loved you. And then my mum gave me my grandmother's ring to give to you. I held onto it, waiting for the perfect moment. I planned to do it at VidCon, on stage, but then I almost got killed. When we were arguing, that same voice that told me to stay, told me to ask you. And I'm so glad I did. So, yes, we are moving fast, but it's because I'll never love anyone else as much as I love you."

He wiped the tear that fell from my eye and I kissed him softly. I pulled away, "I love you too. And I think you're right. The sooner, the better."

We decided on a week from then, and only invited a couple of people like Phil, Bella, and both our parents, plus my brother. I was still scared beyond belief; everyone was.

We decided on a simple wedding in a little cathedral in London. Before we could think about the wedding, however, we had to be interrogated by the police.

When we got back to London we were immediately greeted by a man in a police uniform. He was tall and thin, with several stiff patches of white mixed into his black hair.

"You may go home and unpack, but then I will take you in for questioning," he said in a steady tone. I gripped Dan's hand tighter as the man led us to a black car and helped us in.

Dan rubbed the back of my hand soothingly as we pulled up to our apartment building. We got our stuff and quickly unpacked under the nerve-wracking eye of the police man.

Dan, Phil and I met in the hallway. Phil explained that Bella was staying in the apartment, much to her dismay. The police man helped us back into the black car and we were on our way.

I had no idea how creepy a police station could be. They always seemed sort of nice in the movies and TV shows, but in reality, it was terrifying.

"Morris will taking you all in for questioning separately so there's no interference," the stern police man said. I looked to Dan worriedly but he grabbed my hand and squeezed it with a small smile.

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