Fading Fast

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It had been two weeks since the incident, and Dan's condition wasn't getting better. I had decided to stay in California until he woke up and was able to travel. Phil and Bella agreed to stay as well, saying they wanted to be there when he woke up.

I was doing my best to stay positive, but from what the doctors were saying, he wasn't getting any better. Phil kept telling me that he'd be okay, and that Dan's really strong but I could tell he was trying to convince himself as much as me.

Bella was comforting, but quiet. She always hated hospitals, so she didn't like coming to visit Dan but she kept her mouth shut and was there for Phil.

Phil and I had formed somewhat of a sibling bond. We would trade off being in the hospital so the other could get some sleep, and would try to lift each other's spirits as much as possible.

Since Dan went into a coma, Phil and I figured we'd have to tell everyone at some point. Phil said he'd post a video explaining everything since that would be the easiest solution.

It was the start of the third week of Dan being in the hospital, and Phil called me. "Y/n I need you to come to the hospital," he said. I immediately got ready and got an Uber.

When I reached Dan's room, his doctor was talking with Phil. They both made eye contact with me, and the doctor simply left the room.

Phil sighed and walked up to me, shutting the door. "Y/n," he started, "Dan is getting worse." I teared up, "Okay...so what are they doing to help?" I asked.

Phil looked at me, tears falling from his eyes. "There's nothing they can do. All we can do is wait and see," Phil explained. I pulled Phil into a hug. I could tell his hope was dwindling.

"He'll make it out of this," I comforted him. I cried into his chest, as we just stood there, hugging and comforting each other.

It was clear that both of us were becoming more and more unsure that Dan would survive as we sat with him day in and day out, noticing how he kept getting paler and paler. He was fading fast and now there was nothing we could do to help.

I hoped he had enough strength to make it out of this because honestly, although I'd never tell Phil, I didn't think he would survive.

Sorry for all the depressing stuff lately.

Mark 12:31

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