Figure This Out

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I didn't know what to say. They were targeting YouTubers? "Why?" I asked, clearly more scared than I cared to admit.

Phil looked at me, "I don't know, but I think they're going for the girls," he said, "Dan wasn't the one that guy was after, you were," he said with a sad tone, "and now Louise."

It was a solid theory. "Yeah," I said quietly. I sat on the edge of Dan's bed. "We'll get through this," he said, taking my hand.

I smiled sadly at him. I hoped he was right, but everything was so uncertain. "So what do we do?" I asked no one in particular.

Phil sighed, "Should we tell the police?" I looked down, fiddling with a string on the edge of my shirt. Should we? If we handle it ourselves, how many more people will get hurt? And if the police are involved, will they make it worse and cause the person responsible to attack more frequently?

"I think we should," Dan said. I nodded slowly, agreeing with him. "Phil, can you call them?" I asked timidly. He nodded, a concerned look covering his face when he turned to me.

He started to dial and walked out of the room, leaving Dan and I. I stood, walking to the other side of the small, clean-smelling room, facing the window, away from Dan. I took in a shaky breath, running my hands through my hair.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Dan asked. I turned to him, laughing slightly, despite the tears stinging at the corners of my eyes. "Yeah, I'm practically perfect. A crazy man is trying to kill my friends and colleagues. I'm just peachy."

"We can get through this, Y-" "Can we?!" I interrupted, "Dan, I love you, but this isn't some movie or story. This is real life. There's no guarantee that we'll all make it out of this alive."

He didn't break eye-contact, "We have to...You have to," he said in a shaky voice. I hugged him as we just cried into each other's arms.

After a while, I backed away, wiping my eyes. "Okay, we can do this," I took a deep breath, "We can figure this out, and all be okay on the other side of this. We just have to think logically and be careful. Once you're cleared to fly, we should go back to London and regroup." I said.

He nodded, "The doctor said I should be okay to fly in a couple days." "Let's just hope there are no more attacks," I said.

Phil walked into the room, "The police are going interview Louise and they want to interview us too when we get back to London." Dan and I nodded.

"Let's kick this guy's ass," I said smirking.

I think I'm going to end this book and start a sequel, but at the same time I think I might just continue on in this one. I will do at least one more chapter though to, if nothing else, make it even with 30 chapters. What do y'all think? Start a sequel, or just keep it all in one book?

Numbers 23:19

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