Artemis' Dad

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(Disclaimer: It's the unfortunate truth that I do not own YJ)

 Song is Not Fragile by Christina Grimmie

                                                     M'gann's POV

"Recognized- Artemis, B:07," The Zeta tube announced as Artemis appeared. "What the heck happened to your face?!" Zatanna yelled welcomingly.

Artemis rolled her eyes. Well, one of them. Her left eye was blackened. Plus a busted and swollen bottom lip. And a clearly broken nose. Her wrist was swollen, too. "I got jumped," She explained to us. Us as in Wally, Zatanna, and I, as we were the only ones in the room. We looked at her in disbelief. "I didn't say he won. I just said I got jumped. If you think I look bad, you should've seen him when I got through with him. He ran, as much as he could anyway, screaming for his mommy. Sucker learned the hard way not to underestimate teenaged blonde girls."
I smiled. Now THAT sounded like the Artemis I knew. 

"Hey," She asked. "Where's everyone else?"

"Well Robin is with the Bat, and as for Connor, he's in his room," I said as the Zeta made another announcement. "Batman, A:03. Robin, B:02." The two Gotham heroes emerged. Robin's eyes widened at the sight of Arty and Batman nodded to us and left the room. 

A minute later, the Zeta sounded again. "Green Arrow, A:05," Green Arrow appeared. He saw Artemis and his eyes widened.

"Arty, what happened?" 

She rolled her eyes again. "Got jumped," Then she smirked. "Dude got the worst of it."

"I would think so," GA replied with a smile, he understandably looked proud of his niece.

"Oh," GA added. "We're doing some updates to the cave tonight. So, Connor, Zatanna, and M'gann, you'll need a place to spend the night." Connor had walked in a minute before. 

"Okay," Super Boy, Zee, and I said. 

"Connor can stay at my place," Wally said. "I'm sure my parents won't mind."

Flash nodded in agreement. "But M'gann and Zatanna still need a place to stay." 

The adults looked pointedly at Artemis, who took the hint. She sighed. "I'll ask my mom," She said. "But I'm not sure what she'll say,"

 Green Arrow smiled at her. "I'm sure Paula will be fine with it," He said. 

'Who's Paula?' I thought. Then it hit me. 'Hello, Megan! Paula must be Artemis' mom!' GA told Artemis to call her mother and ask. 

Artemis did as she told. She pulled out her phone, hit a button and held it up to her ear. "Hey, Mẹ," She said. "The cave's getting updated tonight. Can M'gann and Zatanna stay the night?" She was quiet for a minute. Then she smiled. "Thanks, Mẹ!" She said, and hung up. 

Once again, I was confused. 'May?' I thought. Then I realized that it was probably something she called her mother. But why may? Then I realized Artemis' mom was Vietnamese. I was willing to bet that may, or however you spell it, was Vietnamese for mom.

"What's May?" Wally asked. 

Artemis smirked. "A month of the year." She informed him. He rolled his eyes. 

"You know what I meant." She smiled. 

"Mẹ is Mom in Vietnamese," She told him, which confirmed my suspicion. Arty's phone dinged. She glanced at it. "Oh," She swore, which got a few glares and eye rolls, which she ignored. 

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