The Pranksters

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Robin crouched on top of a ledge over one of the cave's many doors, his shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter. Next to him, Artemis sat, legs curled next to her because of the short length of her skirt, snickering quietly.

Their last mission had gone to four in the morning, so Batman sent them home and told them that the debriefing would be at 3:30 after school. That had just barely left time for Artemis and Robin to run to the zeta tube from school. They didn't even have time to change. Thank goodness Artemis had long since figured out Rob's secret ID. Robin had thrown on a pair of sunglasses once they reached the tubes and zetaed to the cave- after all, everyone knew where he went to school.

Now, an hour later, the two were eagerly awaiting for someone to walk through the door- so the duo could dump a giant bucket of purple paint on them. They went silent as they heard voices down the hall, heading in their direction. Suddenly, the door was flung open. The prankster duo quickly dumped the contents of the bucket.

"What the h***?!" Wally yelped. Raquel and Karen, who were with him, gasped. Mal simply said, "Glad it wasn't me."

"ROBIN! ARTEMIS!" Wally howled. The two teens burst out laughing. "UGH YOU TWO!" He used superspeed to get up to the ledge. Arty and Robin jumped down, hitting the ground running.

"What is this, Roadrunner and Coyote?" Artemis called over her shoulder.

"That's exactly what this is!" Wally yelled. Artemis and Robin darted into the blonde's room, shutting and locking the door behind them, their chests still heaving with laughter.

"Looks like we shook him," Robin said.

"Looks like it, maybe," Wally walked out from Artemis' bathroom with a smirk.

"How'd you-" Artemis yelped.

"Superspeed, duh."


"Now, revenge!" Wally jumped on top of them, smearing them with paint!"

"Wally this doesn't come out!" Robin exclaimed.

"So I assumed."

"My mom's gonna kill me!" Artemis snapped. "I can't afford to replace these, and I only have two other uniforms!"

"Well, you'll have to make them do, won't you?" Wally smirked.

"Jacka**. I swear to god I'm not gonna kiss you for a week."

The redheaded boy fell to his knees. "Oh no! Please, spare me!"

"Never," Artemis said haughtily.

Wally grabbed her, and yanked her into his lap, pressing his lips against hers. She tensed, then melted into the kiss. Suddenly, Wally unbuttoned her vest and shirt, yanking them off of her. "Hey!" Artemis screeched. "Meanie!"

"Hey, if you're keeping me in here, keep it PG-13, you nasty!" Robin yelped.

Artemis had her arms crossed over her chest, which was only covered by a bra, fuming. "Wallace West you little-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Spitfire. No need for obscenities."



Artemis paused. "He what?" A smile flickered on her lips.

"You promised you wouldn't tell!" Robin exclaimed.

"And I lied."

Robin fumed. "Well, at least it's better than a baby blanket!"

Artemis laughed. "You sleep with a baby blanket, Wally?"

"At least it's not more people than I can count," Wally snapped back.

Artemis' jaw dropped.

"ROASTED!" Robin yelled.

Artemis got over her shock. "That's- that's- UGH!"

"So it's true?"

"No!" Artemis' face was red.

"That's right, you told me how many," Wally mused. "It was-"

"Shut up! Those days are behind me."

"By less than a year."

"So? Still behind me. If you wanna keep making fun of me for it, then I'll just have to break up with-"

"No!" Wally wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Then freaking give me back my shirt!"

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