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Arty's age: 17

Wally's age: 17

(Should I do ages more often?)

"You really don't remember me?" Artemis asked quietly.

"I feel like I should know you, but I really don't remember! I'm sorry!" Wally said. "I really wish I did! I hate this not knowing."

"I'm sure you do. I'll leave you alone now, k?" Artemis walked out of the infirmary. Curse her father. Curse amnesia. Curse Wally not remembering her. She sat down on her bed, pulling her knees up to her chin.

She reached towards her bookshelf and pulled out the first one she grabbed a hold of. 'The Son of Neptune' by Rick Riordan. Artemis sighed. "Percy had his memory wiped by a literal goddess, but he still remembered HIS girlfriend," She muttered in annoyance.

She put the book back, reaching for another one. 'Divergent' by Veronica Roth. Artemis groaned. "Again with the significant other remembering the other while brainwashed."

She reached for yet another book, trying to find one that didn't conflict with her situation. This time it was 'Inkheart' by Cornelia Funke. Artemis smiled at this one, and opened the book, sinking herself into Meggie's world.

She fell asleep shortly after finishing the book- which was as amazing as always- and woke up a few hours later at around 4am to a sickening feeling in her gut and the feeling of being unloved. She'd had the PTSD nightmare from when her mother was killed. She shuddered. It had happened two months ago, and the grief refused to go away. The only thing keeping her from slipping away was Wally. And now he didn't remember her.

The feeling in her gut grew increasingly worse. She got up and ran towards her bathroom. She felt like she was about to puke, but nothing was coming out, like it was stuck in her throat. She gaged, trying to just throw up and make the feeling go away, but no matter how hard she tried, the vomit wouldn't come. Finally she her throat remembered how to work properly, and she hurled her guts out. She collapsed to the floor, shaking. Dinah walked in a couple minutes later and quickly helped her to her feet and got her to the infirmary.

Dinah gave her toothpaste and a toothbrush, a glass of water, and a anti-nausea pill. Soon Artemis settled into a bed in the infirmary so it would be easier to keep an eye on her.

She woke up a few hours later to someone gently shaking her. She opened her eyes. Wally stood in front of her, holding a tray of food. "Black Canary told me to give this to you."

"Thanks." She took the tray.

"She said that you're my girlfriend."


"I have some memory coming back. I don't specifically remember you yet, but I remember that I really do love you, a lot."

Artemis smiled. "Thanks, Wally. Tell me when your memory comes back, so I can smack you for getting it wiped in the first place."


"Well, I'll probably be willing to apologize with a make out session if you pout enough."

"I'm suddenly feeling very pouty."

"Given that you still don't remember me yet, you're dangerously close to perv territory. Take that down a notch."

"As you wish, m'lady." He bowed, making her laugh.

"I will smack you."

"Oh, I'm sure of it."

Artemis rolled her eyes. She ate her breakfast and Wally went on his way to wherever he went. After breakfast, Artemis hit the training room and sparred with Kaldur, easily winning. Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She whipped around to see Wally.

"Hey there, my little Spitfire."

Artemis beamed at him. Then she slapped him.


"I said I would."

"Where's my apology?" He asked. Fake tears welled in his eyes.

Artemis groaned. "In my room. Now."

Wally grinned.

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