Sisters, Part One: A Storm

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A/N So I decided to do some Artemis and Jade oneshots. Some (most) will be from childhood, but some won't. This one is from their childhood. Also, most, if not all, of them will be short. Also, thanks for the 176 views!!! It's so awesome! *Cheshire Cat grin*

Ages for reference:

Artemis: 4

Jade: 9

Narrator's POV

Another incredibly brilliant bolt of lightning struck the earth from the darkened heavens. The dazzling electricity lit up the bedroom of two sleeping girls better than their light did. Thunder boomed every five seconds, sounding like a pack of dynamite exploding. And even when it wasn't booming, it was grumbling, like a coming train.Wait, did I say sleeping? I meant that should be sleeping. Neither of them were, but neither girl knew that her sister was awake. They were both too scared to sleep, though only the younger girl would admit to that.

Finally, the younger girl, needing comfort and deciding to get it, called out to her older sister in a whisper. "Jade?"

Jade rolled over to face her younger sister. "Yeah, Alice?" She asked, using her pet name for her sister.

"I'm scawed," the smaller girl replied. "I can't sleep." A/N Remember that she's only four. Not being able to pronounce the 'r' sound is completely normal and adorable.

"C'mere," The nine year old said, scooting over and pulling back the blanket so her sister could climb in.

Alice got in, and her older sister protectively wrapped her arms around the four year old. "Hey, Arty, it's ok."

The two of them sleeping together wasn't a rare occurrence. They weren't allowed in their parents's room unless they had been given permission. If one of them had a nightmare, they had to rely on the other for comfort.

Usually, if Jade had a nightmare and Arty was awake, the older girl wouldn't say anything, but her younger sister would notice something was wrong, and say that she had had a bad dream, and ask if she could sleep with her older sister. That would solve the problem.

Lightning lit up the room again. The smaller girl shook. "It's alright, Allie," Jade assured her little sister. "Just go to sleep."

"B-but the thunda is scawy," Artemis said. "And the lightning is even scawiew."

Jade smiled at her. "Well the lightning is just a god's campfire, and the thunder is Buddha banging a gong in Nirvana."

Arty smiled. "Gods and Buddha don't go together, silly."

"Of course they don't. I was just seeing if you were paying attention. Remind me what the first Noble Truth is, Arty."

"Life is suffering," Artemis immediately replied.

"Yep! And that's why Nirvana is good. Because it's kinda like heaven. Once you achieve Nirvana through enlightenment, you stop living and therefore stop suffering." A/N Sorry if that's wrong, I'm not Buddhist. I got it from google. *Nervous laughter* Please don't be offended if you're Buddhist. 

"Except that Nirvana is way harder to get into than Heaven is."Jade laughed. "True."

"Most of the kids in my class don't even know who Buddha is," Artemis said suddenly a few minutes later.

"Well most of the kids in your class are Christian or some godly religion, not Buddhist like we are."

"I guess that's true. But still, how stupid are they?"

Jade laughed. "Not very. A lot of the kids in my class don't know who Buddha is, either. Now they're the stupid ones."

Both girls laughed hard. "Goodnight, Jade," Artemis said.

She smiled and yawned. "G'night, Artemis."

Artemis' POV

And we fell asleep, me content in my sister's arms with the thought that she would always be there to protect me. Guess not.

A/N Well, THAT ended differently than I planned. It was gonna end sweet then I all of a sudden decided to write that. For real, I decided to write "That she would always be there to protect me. Guess not." like two seconds before I wrote it. Thought it would have a nice, realistic effect. I don't regret it. Was it a good choice? Comment whether or not it was. Also, comment ideas for a Chalant, Spitfire, and Supermartian oneshot. The Supermartian one I wrote was not very good at all, Lol. Thanks for reading! God bless and have a good day, night, etc.

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