Tigress- Part Two

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The Team was on a mission. They were waiting for the the villains to arrive at a party. An Asian woman in a long red dress walked by them and started talking to Roy, introducing herself as Jade Crock. Wally walked away towards a quiet room to get away from all of the noise when he bumped into someone. A tall blond man in a tux tightly clutching the arm of a blonde girl in a short, somewhat showy, green dress who looked about Wally's age.

"What the f***?!" The man hissed at him. His grip on the girl got even stronger. Wally saw her flinch. The girl definitely looked familiar, but he couldn't place from where. The man said something harshly in the girl's ear, letting go of her arm and walking away.

The girl stuck her hand out to Wally. "Artemis Crock," Her voice was familiar, too.

"Wally West." They met eyes. Wally's eyes widened. "Tigress?!" He exclaimed quietly.

She smiled. "Kid Flash." She lead him to the room that he'd been attempting to get to. "I feel that I should inform you that Cheshire is my older sister. And that she's here, too."

Wally snapped is fingers. "Jade Crock!"


"She's talking to my friend."

"Well, it's possible that she doesn't know who they are. I'm really perceptive. Anyway, if you're able to, capture me. Capture me as soon as you get the opportunity, please, you got a glimpse of how my father treated me. I can't stay with him anymore! I've been told to kill Miss Martian- if I don't, they'll consider me worthless! And then they'll kill me! I don't want to kill for them anymore! I'm begging you, help me! Please!"

Wally nodded. "Of course I will- but if this is some sort of trap, you'll be spending your life behind bars."

She nodded. "Thank you! I have to go meet up with my dad. Cya!"

Two hours later the team was fighting the three villains. Wally and M'gann took on Tigress, aka Artemis.

"You know what to do!" Sportsmaster yelled at his younger daughter. Artemis nodded and took off towards the nearby forest, Wally and M'gann at her heels. She was knocked to the ground by M'gann. Wally yanked her back to her feet, keeping her hands behind her back.

"Sorry," Wally whispered in her ear before yanking off her mask, slamming her head against a a tree, then punching her, effectively knocking her unconscious. She sank to the forest floor. "Megs, I'm taking her to the ship! You help the others."

Wally ran to the bioship, easing her onto the floor, then grabbing two blankets and a pillow from the storage compartments. He put a blanket and the pillow on the floor, gently setting her on it, then covering her with a blanket. He patched her up, then ran outside to help his friends.

The villains unfortunately got away, but they had Artemis at least. "You set her up nice and cozy," Superboy said as they boarded the ship.

Wally shrugged. M'gann simply put a cell around her. "There isn't really a reason to not make her comfortable." She said.

"M'gann is correct. Besides, it is time to go back to the cave."

"I'm calling Bats to tell him we have a villain to interrogate," Robin said. Kaldur nodded.

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