Baby Bats: Goodbyes

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Part 4/4. I am both sad and so very glad to be done with this series. Next, I'm hoping to publish a preview of a potential new BatFam story. I noticed that the idea of the Assassin Kids meeting before they all joined Batman was fun, but everything I saw just had Jason and Damian, and I wanted one with Cass too. So, I'm once again writing to fulfill my own desires.


"Thank God we're getting rid of them today," M'gann breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lucky you," Dick grumbled. He wished he could get rid of his siblings that easily. Just hand them off to Bruce and only see them in passing. But, nope, he got to go home with them instead! "This was a prime example of my everyday life."

"Your everyday life sucks," Connor observed. He scratched Ace behind the ears. He liked having the dog around, but Wolf and Sphere were starting to get jealous. Ace's tail whacked against the floor.

"I can't wait to have this little demon out of my hair. Literally." Zatanna chimed in, trying to make Damian let go of a chunk of her hair. The baby blew a raspberry at her and then pulled her hair. "OW!"

"Oh, leave Z alone, Dami!" Dick quickly came to his girlfriend's rescue. He held out his arms, and Damian happily grabbed onto him instead.

"Coming through!" A blur dodged past them. Wally was giving Duke a piggyback ride around the cave. How the little boy hadn't thrown up after 20 laps was a mystery.

Tim was happily typing away on his laptop with a bag of pretzels. He was busy proving to Kaldur and Raquel that he could hack into the Pentagon's database. "It's ok! We do this all the time and nothing has happened!" Tim had reassured the concerned teenagers.

All was calm, except for Wally zooming in and out. But, if you've ever been around kids, you know that where there is calm, there is a storm brewing. "Wait!" Connor said as he made this realization. He looked around the room. "Where's Jason?"

"Oh, don't worry, he's with Arty." Dick stuck his tongue out at Damian, who rolled his eyes at his big brother's foolishness.

"Ummm..." Raquel said, overhearing. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Yeah, I thought we agreed Artemis + Jason was a terrible combination and they should never be left unsupervised together." Zatanna agreed.

"Maybe we should go find them." As soon as Connor suggested this, Cass came barreling into the room, frantically pointing down the hallway.

"What is it, Cass?" Zatanna asked sweetly.

Cass stared at M'gann and tapped the side of her head. M'gann was still thrilled that the defensive little girl allowed her to read her. "Oh no, we forgot about the spray paint!"

"No, we didn't!" Raquel objected. "GA took it all away from her after the Bat caught her with it at the Gotham docks two weeks ago!"

"Honestly, she wasn't wrong. The docks could use a bit of color."


"Z! I'm right! I would know!"

Megan brought them back on topic. "I'm not talking about her paint! I'm talking about-"

"Jason's." Kaldur suddenly remembered Jason showing it off to Artemis when the kids first arrived at the cave.

Wally screeched to a halt. "The paint? You guys know that Arty and Jaybird have been spray painting her room for over an hour now, right?"

"It looks really cool so far!" Duke said confidently. Of course something was ok if it was cool.

"Oh, god." Zatanna facepalmed.

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