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Suggested by Hicstrid_1401  (and kinda Artemistigress ) I hope that you guys like it! If you don't, blame them! Just kidding. Don't actually blame them. Unless you want to. Especially since I somewhat strayed from the suggestion... Short oneshot. Sorry bout that. I couldn't really think of ideas for this. Plus when it comes to Spitfire, I HATE Linda Parks.

Wally's phone buzzed. Artemis glanced down at down at it. "Wally?" She asked. "Who the frick is Linda? And why did she text you?"

Wally, surprised, glanced down at his phone. "Linda's my ex. She texts me from time to time. I just ignore it." 

"Why does she still text you?" 

"Because she's just like that, ok Babe? Trust me here. I don't like her anymore."

Artemis sighed. "Fine."

A couple hours later, she got up and went to the kitchen because their enormous stash of movie snacks ran out. While Wally might not have been a big magic fan, he sure did love Harry Potter. Though there had been more texts from Linda that Artemis hadn't bothered to read. She heard the door open.

"Hey, Wally," A girl's voice said, giggling. 

"Hey, Linda," Wally said, sounding unenthusiastic. Suddenly Artemis could heat sounds of kissing. Then moans. 

'What the h***, Wally?" Artemis thought freezing. Her chest tightened with jealousy. Did Wally change his mind? What was happening. Suddenly, there was a crash.

"You're drunk, Linda. Go away. Leave, or I'll get my girlfriend out here to deal with you."

Artemis could hear Linda laugh. "You have a girlfriend? You? Yeah, right. What girl in her right mind would date you?" Arty couldn't help but feel offended. She grabbed a rather large knife and walked into the living room.

"This girl would," She growled. 

"Whatcha gonna do with that knife, Sweetheart?" Linda laughed again. "Hurt me? I'd like to see you try." She kissed Wally again. 

"No. Not with the knife," Artemis replied, letting the kitchen utensil drop to the floor. She walked up behind the other teen and wrapped her arm around Linda's neck in a headlock. "But if you don't leave my boyfriend alone, I will snap your scrawny little neck." She released her. 

Linda rubbed her throat. "Whatever, b****. I'll get you back for this."

"I'd like to see you try," Artemis said, smiling. "Now, get out."

Linda growled and walked to the door. She flipped Artemis off and walked out the door. She slammed it shut.

"Thanks, Babe," Wally said, rubbing the hickey on his neck that Linda had given him. "She's a total maniac."

"It's all right. But you owe me."

"Yes, I do. And I'll get the snacks."

"Yes, you wil,". Artemis said with a grin.

A few minutes later, the couple was curled up together on the couch, back to watching their movie and eating snacks. All was well.

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