Office (Spitfire AU)- Part Two

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Suggested by Artemistigress. Enjoy.


Artemis woke up to a pounding noise at the door. Her first thought was that it was a parole raid, and her parents would handle it. She set her head back down, closing her with eyes. She ignored the continuous banging, and started to drift back off to sleep.

Then a sudden gunshot rang and both Artemis and Jade jolted upright. "Oh, c'mon," Jade grumbled, sliding her legs out from under the covers. She stood up, stretching. Artemis groaned, pulling her blanket over her head.

Jade walked over to the door. As soon as she put her hand on the knob, someone knocked on the door. Jade opened it, giving the policewoman a slight smile.

"You're Jade Nguyen, correct?" She asked.


"And that's your sister, Artemis, right?" She pointed to the lump on Artemis' bed.

"No, it's my secret boyfriend. Arty's at a party," Jade said sarcastically.

The officer rolled her eyes- she'd been to the Nguyen-Crock household before. She knew of the sisters' snark. "Well, Jade, there's something important that you need to know. Your sister, too. Shoo out your secret boyfriend and call your sister back, please."


Artemis groaned again, kicking off her blanket reluctantly. She stood up, stretching.

"Girls, come with me."

The sisters exchanged looks of confusion, but shrugged. They followed the officer to the living room, where they saw Commissioner Gordon. Oh, joy. They glanced around for their parents, and couldn't find them.

Gordon noticed and sighed. "Girls, this is the important thing we need to talk about. A few of your teachers and classmates contacted the principal and vice principal of your school with concerns about child abuse. We came down here to check it out. Your parents have already been taken in for in for interrogation and we wanted you to answer some of our questions."


Artemis tugged on her sleeves nervously. She took a deep breath, opening her locker. She quickly pulled out some of her books, and slid them into her backpack. She was being moved from her temporary foster home into a more permanent one.

All she knew about the couple was that they were in their late thirties- younger than Artemis was used to- that they specifically wanted two teenagers for some reason, and that they were apparently very friendly, and already had two young foster sons whom they'd adopted. Didn't sound so bad.

But Artemis would rather be with her mother. But, her mother had been deemed too mentally unstable from Lawrence's abuse, so she didn't get custody of her daughters. Artemis didn't care if she was mostly going to be taking care of her mother, she just wanted to be with her. But that wasn't to be.

She ran into the golden boy in the hallway.

"Hey, Arty!"

"Hey, West. Don't call me that."

"Oh, alright, fine. Hey, so we're going to the movies tomorrow after school, you wanna come?"

"Umm, yeah, sure. I'll just have to ask my... parents first."

"Oh, alright. See you tomorrow, Arty!"

"See you tomorrow." Artemis walked out of the school, trying to find Jade. She ran into a teacher without meaning to. "Whoa!" She looked up to see who it was. Of course, it was no other than her archery coach. "Oh, hey, Ollie, sorry!"

"It's alright, Artemis."

Artemis had been contemplating if Ollie was one of the teachers who had reported a suspicion of child abuse. After all, he was around the Crock girls a lot, between archery with Artemis and Jade dating his godson, Roy. If anyone would have suspected something, it would be him.

And multiple classmates? Well, Jade had had too many boyfriends to count, and Artemis had had several too. It was possible that they'd noticed scars. But she'd never really know for sure.

"Hey, Ollie?"

"Yeah, Kiddo?"

"You... did you..." She couldn't say it.

"Report suspicious behavior from you and Jade that mirrored abuse victims and report it?"

Artemis was taken aback, and apparently it showed because Oliver laughed.

"I did, Artemis, if that's what you were asking."

"I- I-"

"Your sister is over there," Oliver said with a chuckle, nodding his head towards the wall of the school where Jade and Roy were kissing. Artemis rolled her eyes. She should have known.

"Thanks, Ollie." Artemis took off before he could ask her what for. "Jade! We gotta go!"

Jade scoffed, but glanced at her watch. Her eyes widened. "Sh**. I'm sorry, Roy, but I gotta go home. See you tomorrow!" She ran off after Artemis. The girls were greeted by their slightly annoyed social worker. 

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