What Happened to You? (Cheshroy)

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I got the idea from a writing prompt^ I haven't done nearly enough Cheshroy, though I have plenty of ideas.

Roy turned the knob on the apartment door. He was taken by surprise when it easily opened. He had expected it to be locked. He walked inside, closing and locking the door behind him. He pulled his bow off of his back, nocking an arrow. The bedroom door was open, and he could see Cheshire, curled up asleep on the bed. Her bed, judging by the fact that it was her apartment. He had been sent to track her down, and get her into a cell. As he entered the bedroom, preparing to wake her up and take her away, he noticed something.

There were cuts covering her body, nasty ones. She was still in her uniform, it looked like she hadn't had time to change out of it. Her wild black hair covered the majority of her face. He stood there in shock. She hadn't been active that night, as far as he was aware. And she looked hurt pretty bad. What had happened to her?

He quickly searched for and found the first aid kit. Hurrying over towards the unconscious girl he checked her wounds. He sighed as he ended up having to give her numerous stitches. What worried him the most was that she didn't wake up. She had one more gash on her ribs, it clearly needed stitches, but he'd have to untie her kimono, and he certainly was not about to do that while she was unconscious. If she didn't wake up in the next half hour, he decided, he would.

He covered her in a blanket, leaving the room. He opened the cabinet and found some canned and boxed food. He heated up a can of soup and made some rice. As he put some on a plate, about to go try to wake her and make her eat, he heard a voice.

"What are you doing here?" Cheshire looked exhausted, but still on high alert. She was pale though, and shaking.

"Not arresting you, which is what I'm supposed to be doing. But now, I need you to sit down and eat something."

Jade sat down, hulled down into the warm blanket. She took the food from Roy and started eating. "You're not interrogating me. Or angry."

"Oh, I'm furious. But, surprisingly, not at you. If I ask you what happened, you're going to run, aren't you?"

Jade didn't deny it. Usually she would have forced him out of her house, despite her being sick and injured. But this felt somehow different. She couldn't explain the feeling, no matter how much she wanted to so she could make it go away.

Suddenly she felt a flare of intense pain in her side. She hissed in pain, doing all she could from crying out. She clutched her side. When she pulled her hand away, it was red and wet. It was blood. Her blood. She would never admit it, but the sight of her own blood (and only hers) made her sick to her stomach.

Roy quickly walked over to her, kneeling beside her. He sighed and said. "You're gonna have to let me help you, Jade." Neither of them even noticed that he had called her by her real name. He reached for her belt and mimicked an untying motion. She nodded reluctantly, and he untied it, and slid her kimono off.

Jade shivered even more as Roy's fingers touched her bare side. It was awkward enough already without Red Arrow being so stinking hot- and her crush, though that was something else that she would never admit. Roy stitched her up as carefully as possible and went to get her some pajamas to change into. "Please tell me it's still Thursday," She said.

"Well, it's 2:30am, so it's technically Friday, but yeah."

"Thank god." Once she was changed, she laid back against the chair. Then suddenly, his previous words rang in her head. "Wait, how did you know my name?"

"I have my ways."

"So do I, Roy."

He looked at her in shock. "Well, I know yours from getting info on that b**** of a sister of yours. How do you know mine?"

"My dad was on of the ones who captured you when you got kidnapped a few years back."

"I honestly don't remember anything about that."

"I'm not surprised. Anyway, you gonna arrest me now?"

"Not if you tell me what happened to you."

Jade sighed. "Fine. Sportsmaster called me today, saying that he had a job for me. I told him that I couldn't because I'm sick, which I am. He told me to just suck it up and do my job, and I said no. He got mad and hung up. About an hour later, he told me to get ready, it was time to go. I said no, I already said I was sick. He got mad and forced me to change into my uniform. When I still wouldn't go with him and dragging me didn't work, he decided to 'teach me a lesson' instead."

"Ouch." Then something hit him. "Wait, how'd he force you to put on your uniform?"

Jade froze. Then she shut her eyes and looked down.

Anger flared in Roy. "He changed your clothes himself, didn't he??"

Jade didn't respond.

"Didn't he?!"

A tear found its way down the ebony's cheek. "Yeah."

"That's at least borderline sexual abuse, Jade! You know that, right?!"

"It wasn't like he did anything gross!"

"Jade- ok, you know what, fine. He removed some of your clothing and made you uncomfortable, but hey, he didn't do anything you consider gross."

"It wasn't like he stripped me or something! He only saw what you're seeing now. And he's my father! He's seen much more than this in the course of my life."

"Alright, I'll let the subject drop, ok? Now, how about you tell me where you were supposed to go for said job."

"Sydney, Australia. But, Roy-"

"I'm guessing Sportsmaster will be there."

"Probably. It was supposed to be infiltration into a local mafia, which was why he was so mad that I wasn't going."

"I'm assuming they've been stealing Shadow supplies."


"Whelp, I'm going to go handle that. You stay here and recover. Go see a doctor later, ok?"


The two met eyes, and suddenly Roy moved forwards, bringing his lips to hers. They kissed for a minute before a Roy pulled away. He looked at Jade's stunned face and smirked. "A kiss is just a kiss, or so you say." He walked out of the apartment.

Jade called to him. "You're gonna get sick!"

"No I'm not!" He called back, taking off for the nearest zeta tube, beaming.

Jade grinned like, well, like the Cheshire Cat.

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