Torture: Part One

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(Disclaimer: I do not YJ, unfortunately)   

A/N Mentions of mild torture, child abuse, and self harm. Thank you to @Spitfire_Forever and @Karma_WarHawx for voting! Go check them out! They've got better fanfics than this. 


I stared at her as blood ran from her mouth. How could anyone do that to her? Especially her own father. I watched as Sportsmaster raised his hand and hit Artemis in the face once again. I had learned that Artemis was Sportsy's daughter when she and I had first woken up here a couple hours ago. I had also learned that Cheshire was Arty's older sister, which explained a lot. 

"Answer me, you little brat!" He yelled. Arty spat a mouthful of blood in his face. "Never!"

I watched, helpless, as Arty's father once again punched her in the face. "Now, Arty Honey, this is your last chance to answer before I start using weapons. Now tell me Baby Girl, where is your base?" He asked in a sickly sweet voice.

Artemis smiled weakly, there was anger in her fierce gray eyes. "Somewhere you'll never find it, dad." As she said that last word her voice was laced with hatred. He hit her in the face again, then left the room. She looked over at me. 'I'm so sorry," I mouthed at her. I felt so awful. We had gotten caught and captured because of me. I was an idiot and now Arty was getting tortured because of it.

"It's ok. You didn't mean it, Baywatch." 

Sportsmaster walked in, his mace on a chain thingy (I really need to learn what that's actually called) in his hands. He moved Artemis from the chair she she was bound to and chained her to a hook hanging from the ceiling. "You sure you don't wanna tell me Arty Honey?" He asked her as he started to swing his thing around.

Arty growled at him. "I'm sure. Positive, actually." Sportsmaster clicked his tongue. "I thought that I taught you better than that, Baby Girl." He let his weapon fly. It slammed into her arm. Even from fifteen feet away I was pretty sure that I heard a snap. She bit her lip, which muffled her scream of pain. She jerked her head around to look at her bleeding, obviously broken, arm.

"Change your mind yet, Arty Baby?" Sportsmaster asked evilly.

"No. And I never will." Artemis responded stubbornly. I wanted her torture to stop. I wanted it to stop so badly, oh, so badly. But I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was tied up in a corner of the room, wearing an inhibitor collar that not only made it impossible for me to use my super speed, but also detected the vibrations in my throat when I talked. As a result if I talked, I would get shocked. (Hey, that kinda rhymes. Haha.) So I couldn't even object to the torture. And the big baddie was LOVING it.

Sportsy hit her again. With his weapon of course. I wished it was only his hand. Why was he doing this to her? Her, not me. Why not me? She was his daughter. His daughter, and he was literally torturing her. And, to make it worse, he was clearly enjoying it. I'd never been so disgusted with him before. No wonder Arty and Cheshire disliked him so much. Arty'd never said it, but in that moment I became absolutely certain that her father had abused her and her sister. I had suspected it before, as Mis often came into the cave clutching her aching arm, side, or hip, and/or limping. She hid it well, but I always noticed. I knew what it was like to be abused. My father had abused me before he'd become sober when I was twelve. He hadn't hurt me since. And he still apologized for it sometimes. At least he'd only done it when he was drunk. Artemis' dad was completely sober, at least from what I could tell. How bad was it when he was drunk? Very, I was willing to bet. Poor Arty.

I hope that the rest of the team gets here soon, before Arty gets severely hurt. As far as I was aware, the Shadows hadn't found our trackers yet. I was still wearing my watch and I could still feel the bump were the tracker was. But maybe it was a trap, I realized. They might be using Arty and me as bait, to get the rest of the team, and/or the League to come here, to the Shadows's base. I heard a thud. 

I looked up, I had been lost in thought. I saw Artemis' chin resting on her chest, her eyes closed. I realized that Sportsmaster must have hit her with his mace thingy again, but in the head this time, probably, as Art was unconscious. Sportsmaster smirked and punched her the face again. I was sure he had broken her nose, because although it had already been bleeding, it was now gushing blood. "ARTEMIS!" I yelled. "ARTY!" The collar sent a painful wave of electricity through my body. It took all the willpower I had not to cry out.

Sportsmaster left the room, still smirking. "I think I'll take a short little break." He called to me, and pushed a button on the little remote in his hand, sending another shock through me. And Arty as well, I could see her unconscious body shudder. I resisted the urge to growl at him. I looked at Artemis. 'We'll be out of this soon.' I thought, wishing she could hear.

A/N Feel free to comment and/or vote if you want to. Also, I'm open for suggestions, but not for part two, as I've finished that already. Thanks for reading! Sorry that was so short! Part two is longer, I promise! TTYL! God bless you all! : ) (Sorry if you're not religious and that was offensive or something. : | ) PS Please, please, PLEASE comment so I know if more than the couple of people who voted like it.


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