St. Patrick's Day

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A/N Special St. Patrick's Day oneshot! If you like this, leave a comment thanking my brilliant little sister, who partially gave me the idea!!! (It would make her really happy!) Also, Artemis calls GA and Canary "Uncle Ollie" and "Aunt Dinah" in this oneshot because I thought 'that's cute, why not?'
Artemis' POV
Ah, St. Patrick's Day. THE best day of the year. Everyone had to wear my favorite color, green, or I got to pinch them. And I didn't even get in trouble for "hurting" people. It was great, really, really great. Whoever came up with the you-have-to-wear-green rule was a freaking GENIUS.
Ollie loved it, too. Of course he did. Again it was THE best day of the year! It was even better because–drumroll, please–it was also my birthday! I couldn't think of a better day for my birthday to be on. Granted, I didn't really celebrate my birthday, as birthdays were never really a big thing in my family, even before Mom got arrested. Just a cupcake each for me and Jade and a little present, maybe two, and usually a candy bar from Jae (or me, if it was Jade's birthday). No big deal. After Mom got arrested, I was lucky if Dad even acknowledged that it was my birthday. Usually, he wasn't even home. I just got used to it. I'd never even had a party before. And it didn't matter to me because I didn't really think that my birthday was important, anyway. What WAS important to me was that it was St. Patrick's Day.
I walked to the from my room to the kitchen, where my mom was making breakfast. I walked up behind and leaned down to give her a hug. "Good morning, Mẹ!" I said.
She gave me a hug in return. "Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!" She said happily. I was taken somewhat aback that she remembered, and she noticed.
"How could I forget my beautiful daughter's birthday? I'm no idiot like your father."
I choked on laughter when she said that. She smiled at me. She grabbed a plate from the lower self (neither of us could reach the top shelf by ourselves. Even I needed step stool. And I'm not short. I'm certainly not tall, but I'm not SHORT.) and put a couple of green waffles on it, along with some bacon, sausage, and scrambled eggs. Yum. "There's chocolate milk in the fridge!" Mom reminded me.
"I know!" I replied happily. I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it.
"Hey, Uncle Ollie!" I said. "Hi, Aunt Dinah!"
"Hey!" Uncle Ollie said as he and Aunt Dinah hugged me. "Happy Birthday, kiddo!"

They came in and hugged my mom–who would've thought that she used to be one of their biggest enemies–and ate breakfast with us. Uncle Ollie left to "go on an important work-related errand" and Aunt Dinah and Mom took me shopping. Which was more fun for them than it was for me, but it was still fun. Plus, I got new books and Starbucks. Win-win.
Afterwards, Uncle Ollie came and he and Aunt Dinah took me to the cave, where a surprise party had been set up for me. Usually, I hate surprises, but this was an exception. Wally speed up to me and kissed me. "Happy Birthday, Babe," He said with a huge grin.
After the party, which was AWESOME, Batman even agreed to let Uncle Ollie bring Mom, Robin and I went on the lookout for anyone not wearing green and pranking people. We even managed to sneak into Happy Harbor (with Wally) and started sneaking up on and pinching random people and then Wally would pick me up and run away and Dick would do his disappearing thing before they could see our faces. We did this for about an hour until we got caught. Uncle Ollie thought that it was hilarious, Batman, not so much. But it was my birthday, so we only got scolded.
Basically, it was the best St. Patrick's Day that I'd ever had. The next year was even better. And so was the next. And last year's definitely took first place.

A/N Hope you liked this oneshot! Sorry that it's short! Again if you did, leave a comment thanking my sister, if not for whom this oneshot wouldn't exist.I hope that you had an excellent St. Patrick's Day! Bye and God bless! 


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