Sisters, Part Two: Starbucks

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A/N Song is Warriors by Imagine Dragons. Crappy title, I know. Do to the "I love oneshots about Arty's family" comments, this oneshot is dedicated to Karma_WarHawx. Hope y'all enjoy, especially you, before mentioned reader. This is set the morning Depths takes place. And, as usual, it's short.

Jade's POV

"Hey Sis," I heard a young woman's voice say as she slipped into the booth seat across from me, holding a Peppermint mocha Frappuccino, her favorite thing there. I had long ago taught her the very important life hack that you could order it any time of year.

"Onnie Awdy! Onnie Awdy!" Lian cried in delight at seeing her aunt. She hadn't quite perfected "Aunty Arty" yet. She adored Alice, probably since she'd known Artemis all twelve and a half months of her life. Arty, Mom, and Dad were the only ones that even knew that I was pregnant with Lian a year ago.

Artemis smiled. "Hi, Li-Li!" She said making a face at Lian, who shrieked with laughter. My "dear" little sister then looked at me.

"God, you look terrible. When was the last time you slept?"

"Pee off," I told her. "And two nights ago. Lian made the decision that day is sleepy time and night is party time. So, she basically turned into you."

Artemis made another face. "HEY! How rude. Also, YIKES."

I scoffed. "No kidding. Plus, when did you turn into Stephanie Tanner? Also, don't you have a mission in two days?"

"It was supposed to be in two days, but they moved the launch up to today. Which actually kinda sucks for my schedule."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I have something really important to do today and the mission being today will make it so that due to needing to do the important thing, I won't be able to go to Raquel's bridal shower, which is in two days. I was supposed to go to that and then do the mission, but now I can't, so that's annoying."

"Wow," I said. We continued to talk for a while, which included her teasing me about using all of my chips my to find the original Roy Harper.

We took Lian to the park, where she ran around and went down the slides. Alice and I just swung on the swings and talked, watching my daughter play. My daughter. Those words get me every time. Like, I did that. I made that. It makes me so happy. I think that this is how Mom feels about Artemis. She went wrong with one kid, me, but her other, Allie, was perfect. I know that Mom loves me too, but Allie is definitely her favorite.

Later, as we were pushing Li-Li on one of those baby swings, Arty's phone rang. She and whoever it was talked for a minute. Then Arty hung up. "I've gotta go get ready for the mission, Jae," She said. She gave Li a hug,along with a quick kiss on top of her head, which my toddler happily returned. "Bye-bye, Li-Li. I love you!"

"Wove Onnie! Wove Onnie!" Lian squealed happily. A/N Baby talk for "I love Aunty"

'Mis then gave me a side hug. "Love ya, too, Cheshire." She said, using her old nickname for me that had come to mean so much more. (A/N Did anyone see my Alice (fanfic, not Wonderland) reference there? No? Ok.)

"Love you, Alice," I replied, giving the top of her head a quick kiss. She returned it with one on my cheek, and walked off, waving.

"Hey!" I called to her. "You never told me when you turned into Stephanie Tanner!" I could hear her laugh. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"I AM Stephanie Tanner!" She yelled back as she headed home to prepare for the mission. Little did I know how much trouble that fateful/stupid mission would bring me.

A/N I hope that this was enjoyable. I kinda wrote this based on an idea swirling around in my head, sooo.... yeah.  Sorry that it's short!


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