First Date (Supermartian)

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Ok, this is the first Supermartian oneshot that I have ever written, so if it's horrible, I'm sorry. I just decided that I should do one, and I wanted it to just be cute, no drama, just cuteness. Also, THANK YOU to the TWENTY ONE people who read this in THREE DAYS. I was expecting like five in a week, so this is AWESOME. Anyways, on to the story. This is right after the whole Belle Reve-kiss-thing. Please tell me whether or not this is good.

                              No one's  POV

Conner nervously knocked on M'gann's door. What if she said no? Sure they'd had that kiss back at Belle Reve, but that might have just been a heat of the moment thing. He really, really liked Megan, and he really, really wanted her to return  his feelings. He had, obviously, never had a crush before.

M'gann opened her door and blushed, seeing her crush standing there. "Hey Conner," She said. She thought about their shared kiss in Belle Reve. Of course she was thinking about, she hadn't been able to stop. 

"Hey, M'gann," Conner said. He was so nervous. He decided to just hurry up and get it over with. "Do you, uh.... want to go out with me tonight? There's place that I thought sounded like something that you'd like. Do you want to go?"

M'gann was stunned. Had Conner really just asked her out on a date? 

"I mean...I understand if you don't want to..." Superboy said nervously. 

Megan squeeled. "I would love to!"

A/N So I decided to put Part One and Part Two together. Hope you don't mind.

Still no one's POV

*Few hour time skip, sponsored by Kronos. (Sorry, wrong fandom) (Haha... not actually sorry)*

Conner and M'gann were eating pizza in Happy Harbor's Bowlarama. A/N I have NO IDEA how to spell that. So far their date had been pretty fun. They had bowled for a while, and then had decided to eat and talk.

"So," Conner said. "This was fun. Do you...uh...want to be my girlfriend?"

"YES! YES, YES, YES!" M'gann squealed.

"Ok, then," Conner said. Then an idea hit him hard on the head. "Are we going to tell anyone about this?"

"Oh," M'gann said. She hadn't really thought about it. She thought about Artemis. She'd be mad if she found out that M'gann was dating Conner. M'gann wouldn't blame her. Girl code stated that you could NOT date your friend's crush, and certainly not your best friend's. Especially without asking if it was ok first. M'gann wouldn't like it if Artemis started dating Conner. Maybe she just wouldn't tell her. 'No,' Megan thought. 'That's another girl code violation. You can't keep the fact that you're dating someone a secret. Definitely not if the person that you're dating is your friend's crush.' Gosh, why was girl code so hard? There are so many things that you can't do without hurting someone. And she certainly did not want to hurt Arty. Not to mention that it would hurt Wally, too.

"I guess not," She said. "I'll definitely tell Arty at some point, but, I don't want her to get upset. I've never had a best friend before, and I don't want to ruin it. I'll have to think of something. You know that she'd act like she was fine, but she wouldn't be. She'd be mad at herself for having 'stupid emotions' anyway. I think that you can relate to that."

Conner nodded. "I know you'll figure something out. Plus, Artemis is tough, she'll be fine."

"Do you really think so?" M'gann asked him.

"I know so," Conner replied reassuringly.

They left and went outside, where it was pouring rain. They walked to a zeta tube that would take them back to the mountain. On the way there, they stopped at the beach, right next to the docks, which is where the zeta was. "Hey, M'gann?" Conner said.

"Yes, Conner?" She asked.

Conner grabbed her by her shoulders and pressed his lips against hers. She was surprised. She felt her eyes widen. Then she relaxed and melted into the kiss. It felt like they stood there like that for hours, but it was really only a couple of minutes. They finally pulled away, smiling, looking into each others's eyes. "I love you, M'gann M'orzz," Conner said.

"I love you to, Conner Kent," She responded, saying his name the same way she had the day that he had received it. They melted back into a passionate kiss.

SO, how'd you like it? I know it's short, and I'm sorry about that, but I hope that you like it anyways. Please comment suggestions for more oneshots, as I'm running out of ideas. I might post another oneshot later today, I'm not sure. I hope that you have an amazing day, night, etc. Bye!


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