The Girl Next Door (Spitfire AU)

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Fifteen year old Wally West sat at his kitchen table, eating lunch.

"So, Wally," His mother, Mary, said, setting a plate of pancakes in front of Wally's father, Rudy. "Barry's friend, Oliver Queen is moving in next door today."

Wally dropped his fork. "Oliver Queen? As in the billionaire? That Oliver Queen?"

"What other Oliver Queen is your uncle friends with?"

"Why isn't he moving into a mansion, then? Why an ordinary two story house?"

"His foster daughter hates how big they are. They make her feel uncomfortable for some reason that I don't know. Most likely her anxiety. They decided they don't need a big house anyway, so why have one?"

"I guess." Wally had forgotten that the Queens had a foster daughter. You didn't see much media coverage of her. It would be interesting to meet her.


"Come on, Artemis, it's time to go," Roy Harper-Queen said, gently resting a hand on the lump covered in a purple blanket.

A muffled response came from under the blanket. "No."

"You gotta, Arty," Will said.

"I don't wanna go!"

"Come on." Roy pulled the blanket down to reveal a blonde, who tightened her grip on her blanket.


Will yanked the blanket off with some difficulty, and his twin picked up their foster sister.

"You want your blanket?" Will asked.

Artemis nodded, and Will gave the blanket to her. She clutched it tightly as Roy carried her downstairs, where Oliver took her. They walked next door.


Wally walked downstairs as Oliver sat a girl down on Wally's favorite chair. The girl messed around with the purple blanket that she had with her. As Wally walked past them to the couch, Oliver took the blanket from her, earning a look of complete betrayal. Oliver just shook out the blanket and threw it over her. She squirmed around until she was curled up and completely covered by the blanket.

'Must be the security blanket that Mom mentioned,' Wally thought. Mary had told him that Ollie's "daughter" had really bad anxiety, and liked to curl up and cover herself with her security blanket, and if Wally made fun of her for any reason, he would be grounded for a year. He would never make fun of her, but he got why his mom had told him. She seemed tough at school, but in reality, it was just a façade. Sure, she'd beat kids up, but they'd get into her head, and she had depression, and it got worse. Wally didn't know the details, but he knew making fun of her blanket might traumatize her, as dumb as it sounded.

Everyone ate dinner at the table, except for Artemis, who just ate in the living room. Wally finished his food last, no surprise. He snuck out of the dining room/kitchen before anyone could tell him to help clean.

He saw the blonde- Artemis, he thought his mom said her name was- sitting on the chair looking anxious, like she expected someone to pounce on her or something. "Hey," Wally said.

Artemis shrank back a little and looked him over. She waved a little. "Hi," She said quietly.

"I'm Wally. You're Artemis, right?"

She nodded.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

She considered it for a second. "No," She said quietly.

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