No Matter What

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I'll admit: I wrote this at 1am a couple weeks ago to get the idea out of my head, so it's probably not exactly my best work 😂. Also, I'm trying to decide if I should stop this book at fifty oneshots and make another book or continue on with this one. What do y'all think?

Artemis Crock stood in front of her mirror in the cave. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt that used used to belong to her dad. It flowed halfway to her knees. She shook her head at her appearance. Her tangled blonde hair, unshaved legs, the depressed look in her eyes. Her stupid chest that was half flat due to the mastectomy two years ago in eighth grade. Stupid breast cancer.

No one on the team except for Robin knew that she'd had cancer. And not even he knew that she'd had a recurrence. Heck, she'd only found out a few weeks ago. And not only did it come back, it came back worse. That's why she had turned down Wally after their New Year's kiss. He deserved someone with a better outlook than her.

The doctors wanted to do another mastectomy. She didn't. She already felt stupid enough. She didn't want to make herself look more ugly than she already was. Not to mention that her depression had come back with the cancer, so her attitude was ugly, too. Plus, the docs weren't even sure if the surgery would completely wipe out the cancer anyway. What was the point?

She felt bad about getting cancer again more than angry about it, though. Her mom didn't have the kind of money that was needed for Artemis' treatment, and while Oliver was happy to help, she knew that he would soon get sick of ridiculously huge bills that he didn't technically have to pay. She was just a burden, and she hated it.

There was a knock on the door and Wally came in. "Hey, Arty." He saw her looking in the mirror, saw the look on her face. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He rested his chin on the top of her head. He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "You know that you're gorgeous, right?" Is He asked her.

Artemis scoffed. "No, I'm not." She grabbed the sides of her shirt and yanked them back, to stretch tightly across her chest.

Wally's eyes widened, then went back to normal. "You had a mastectomy?" He asked.

She nodded, surprised that he knew the word.

"My mom used to have breast cancer, Arty. I know this stuff. I used to research it for a hobby. You used to have it?"

"I actually just found out a few weeks ago that I had a recurrence."

"Oh, no, Artemis! Is this why you turned me down?"

Artemis nodded, suddenly feeling very stupid.

"I love you, Artemis. You being sick does not mean that I'm gonna hate you. I'm here, ok? And so is the rest of the team. They're planning on doing another mastectomy, right?"

Artemis nodded in response. "I'd honestly prefer more chemo."

"Why? This is less painful, and if you're appearance is what you're worried about, then there are prosthetic bras. I know that you know this, as you have them. There's no need to be self-conscious. You're flipping gorgeous, no matter what some idiot says."

She smiled at him. "Thanks, Wally."

"You're welcome. And do you want to know something else?"


"I'll always love you, no matter what."

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