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A/N Song is Rainbow by Sia. I would appreciate it if you listened to it. I don't own this song or YJ. The fact that I love them both doesn't count as owning them, unfortunately. This oneshot mentions self-harm. But it's sweet, I promise. (Not the self-harm, the oneshot)

Wally's POV

I watched, laughing as Artemis chased Robin around the training room. Robin had stolen one of her arrows and he was trying to keep it from her. 'Good luck, bud,' I thought with a smile.

"Gotcha!" Artemis yelled as she tackled Robin to the ground and tried to take her arrow back from him. Robin stuck his tongue out at her and stuck it between his back and the floor. Like any mature but still sorta childish teenager, she stuck her tongue out back at him and tried to grab her arrow.

I shook my head at their childishness. I remembered how Artemis often came off as mature, but she was actually a total fun-loving little kid at heart. 'She's crazy,' I thought. 'But in a lovable way.' Wait, lovable? I shrugged it off. 'Whatever,' I thought.

Robin and Artemis started arguing. It started to get really heated. Probably because of Artemis' quick temper. "Give me back my arrow, you stupid orphan!" Artemis snapped. Then her eyes widened as she realized what she had just said. "Rob, I'm sor-," She started to say, but Robin cut her off.

"My parents might be dead but at least they loved me! I saw those police reports! Yours abused you, right? Well, I can see why, you stupid, ignorant b****! Who in their right minds would give a crap about you?!"

Artemis stiffened. She blinked rapidly and got up and ran out of the room. Robin seemed to register what he'd just said. "Oh, shoot," He mumbled. He ran after her. "Arty! Arty! I didn't mean- I'm sorry!"

"F*** off!" She yelled in return. She flipped him off and continued to run to her room.

Robin looked so guilty and concerned. I was mad at him for saying something like that to Arty. I mean, I understand that she started it, she totally had, and she had crossed the line. But Robin had crossed it even farther. It wasn't like Artemis' insecurity was a big secret. Everyone knew that it was a constant problem for her. He had just triggered it, and both he and I knew it.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll handle it," I assured him. I sped off to Arty's room. I got there a split second before she did. I stood in her doorway, blocking her from entering.

"Move, Kid Idiot," She snapped at me.

"No," I said. "Talk to me, Arty."

"No," She growled and shoved past me, slamming the door behind her.

I rested my hands on the door for a second. Then I knocked. "Let me in, Arty,"

"No," She said again. She sounded so hurt. "Go away, Baywatch."

"Arty," I sighed. I hadn't even known that a) she knew that Rob was an orphan, and b) that she was abused. But now I was determined to make her feel better. 'No wonder she's so insecure,' I thought.

"Ok, I'm leaving now," I said and walked off. I'd come back in a couple of minutes.

A couple of minutes later, I walked back to her room. I knocked gently. When I got no response, I simply vibrated my molecules and went through the door. I looked around, confused. Why wasn't she here? Then I noticed that her bathroom door was closed. I heard quiet crying coming from behind the door. I'd never heard Arty Crock cry before. She was mumbling to herself, but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

I vibrated my molecules to once again go through a door. I wound up stand right next to Arty, who was leaning against the door. Her eyes widened and she quickly stuck her pocket knife behind her back and covered her arm. But not before I had seen them and seen her cut herself. I fell to my knees next to her and wrapped my arms carefully around her and pulled her onto my lap.

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