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A/N Song is Natural by Imagine Dragons. This is a chapter from my fanfiction Alice. In this story, Artemis is an assassin for the League of Shadows. She's called Alice, btw.

Artemis' POV

"Here for a rematch?" My sister, Jade asks the sidekicks as they face us. I smile remembering our last encounter with the little team. They had technically won, but my sister and I had gotten away. I'd like to see how they fare now, since we currently have hostages in the room.

"You could say that," Aqualad says, drawing his water swords.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck," My sister tells him.

I laugh. "Yeah, you're going to need it," I say with the British accent that I always use on assignments.

"I highly doubt that," Aqualad replies. He looks towards his team and jerks his head in my sister's and I's direction. Boy Wonder, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash come after me. Aqualad, Red Arrow, and Super Boy attack my sister.

"I've got a question that I've been meaning to ask you," Says Kid Flash as he stops beside me and starts throwing punches that I manage to dodge.

"And it is?" I ask as I flip out of the way of one of Boy Wonder's explosives. It lodges into the wall and blows, leaving a hole in the wall.

"Why's a kid on the League of Shadows? You can't be much older than me at most, if you're even older than I am. And I'm only fifteen."

I laugh as I drop into a crouch, the table Miss Martian threw at me barely missing my head. "Well, THAT was close," I say. "And I'm fifteen, same as you. I have two answers to your question. A) If kids can be heroes, why can't they be villains? B) The Shadows respect blood."

"What kind of blood? Like, blood blood or blood as in family?" Kid asks.

I laugh again. "Both," I say.

"And which do you have?"

"Again I must say, both."

"Who's family are you?" Kid Flash asks.

"My, my, you're a curious one aren't you?" I say.

"Hey, Sis!" Jade yells. "Can I get a little help?"

"Yep!" I call back. I look at Kid Flash. "That answer your question?" I ask as I shoot one of my arrows at Aqualad. It lodges in his arm.

"It does," Boy Wonder says instead of Kid. "You have some pretty arrows, Alice."

"Thanks," I say. He's not wrong. They're pale blue and the fletching is pink with flowers, just like the trim on my apron that I wear over my dress.

"Cheshire and Alice, huh?" Robin says. "Figures that you're sisters. Nice Wonderland you have. Ruining Alice in Wonderland for little kids. Also, why do you have an accent when your sister doesn't?"

I roll my eyes. "My accent is fake, duh," I say. "Also, c'mon, let's fight for real. I should be the only one able to talk by now."

"Cocky, aren't you?" Miss Martian asks me.

I only smirk in response. As the fight goes on, I can see the sidekicks are starting to get tired. Aqualad reaches for the comm on his ear. "Team to League, we need backup," He says.

"Oh crap," I breathe. Only I say something that doesn't look as nice in type as crap. I hear Jade say the same thing. If the Justice League shows up, we're toast. Jade and I start trying to get away, not caring about our hostages anymore.

The sidekicks manage to keep us there and Batman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow show up. My sister and I knew that we cooked even before the gas bomb went off and we blacked out.

If you liked this and haven't read my fanfic, go check it out! If you do, thanks! Have an awesome day, night, etc. God bless and TTYL!-Emma

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