Baby Bats: Learning the Ropes

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Jason wasn't happy to be grabbed from behind. He whirled, punching his aggressor in the face. "Ow, dude!" Wally exclaimed. "You've got a mad right hook, but you don't need to try it on me!"

"Sorry," Jason mumbled. "You startled me."

"It's alright. Though, don't do it again."

"Ok. Can you please help me with my homework?"

"You have homework?"

"You didn't know?"


"F*ck! I shouldn't have said anything." Jason kicked the leg of a nearby table.

Wally was pretty sure he should reprimand the kid for cursing, but he thought it was hilarious. So, he decided not to. "Why do you have homework?"

"We all do. Bruce doesn't want us to completely miss school over the summer, so he had our teachers send us with home with worksheets. Apparently, a couple of us are 'unfortunately behind in academics' and he wants us to catch up. But he doesn't want to single anyone out, so everyone's participating!"

"Ah." Wally answered. Bruce's failure to mention this seemed like a major oversight. "And, yeah. I'll help."

"Cool! C'mon, it's in my backpack!" Jason grabbed the red backpack off the floor in the main area.

Now that Wally was paying attention, he realized that there were several of them in different colors. Thinking about it, he remembered corresponding suitcases which must be in the rooms the kids were staying in. There was a sparkly gold one, as well as a black one, a yellow one, and a green one.

Sitting next to the gold backpack, there was a pale pink tote bag that had ballet shoes and the name "Cassandra" embroidered on it in hot pink. Bruce had mentioned that Cass was in ballet lessons, and that Dick would take her there on Thursday. Wally used his deductive reasoning skills to figure out that bag probably had her uniform and shoes in it.

Jason took a seat on the couch next to his older brother, who was watching Damian play on the floor with a plush dog and a toy car. "Wally's gonna help me with my homework." He pulled a binder out of his backpack.

"Cool." Dick replied. "DAMIAN! Do NOT put that in your mouth!" He lunged forward and snatched the small button out of the baby's hand. "How did I get stuck on baby duty?"

"Because I'm making cookies, Rob!" M'gann sounded frazzled, and was covered in flour. Wally now saw that Tim and Cass had decided to "help" her. She must've been too nice to say "no" to them.

"And I'm busy!" Raquel added, panting. Duke had asked her to play Just Dance with him, and she wasn't one to turn up an offer to have fun. But she had underestimated the energy level of a six-year-old boy, and as such, had been playing nonstop for an hour.

"I'm winning!" Duke added happily, seemingly oblivious to Raquel's growing exhaustion.

"Good job, Buddy! Where's everyone else?" Wally dodged a stray wii remote. It was only their second day of babysitting, and he couldn't help but notice how many of his teammates were missing.

"Sorry!" Duke exclaimed, running to grab the remote. "Stop playing, Raquel. It's not fair if you play when I can't!"

"Artemis will be here soon; she had to take her mom to therapy. Connor had to take Wolf and Ace on a walk." Connor had been put in charge of the Waynes' pet. "Kaldur got a last-second call to Atlantis. He'll be back in two days. And Damian spit up on Zatanna, so she went to change her shirt." Dick explained, tactfully ignoring Damian's fit over the stolen button.

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