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Spencer runs into a random room as her daughter approaches 20 seconds. She looks around for a place to hide and jumps into the closet. As she listens to Bella's footsteps around the house, she wonders which room she ran into. Spencer turns on the light beside her and looks around the closet. She realizes she's in Aria and Ezra's closet and sighs. She pulls out one of Aria's shirts, or rather, one of hers. She had let Aria wear her P!ATD shirt when they went to a concert years ago.

It seems the shorter girl had worn it recently, as the hanger it's hung on hadn't yet made dents in the fabric from being there too long. Did she wear it because it was hers? Or because she loves P!ATD? Or was it simply because she needed a shirt to wear? Spencer doesn't know but smiles to herself knowing that Aria has worn her shirt. As she stares at the article of clothing, the closet doors swing open and her young daughter scares her.

Bella "I found you daddy!"

     Spencer recovers from her scare and picks her daughter up, kissing her forehead.

Spencer "You found me! What's next?"

Bella "Princesses!"

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