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📼 ocean eyes
billie eilish

adriana stood at the kitchen island, pouring creamer into her cup of coffee. she looked to jeongguk, who looked out the window. he had been distant for some time now. two weeks to be exact. and adriana suspected it had something to do with the envelope that sat in front of him on the kitchen table.

taking her coffee with her, she loudly sat down, making jeongguk take his eyes off of the outside world and look to her. even his eyes were distant. they hadn't always been like that. they used to be fun and playful with a little sparkle in them. but now they were dark and glum, like normal eyes.

"do you want some coffee?" adriana asked, trying her best to hide her concern.

"i don't drink coffee," jeongguk curtly answered, eyes not moving from the envelope. what was so interesting about this damn envelope?

"i-i know," adriana stuttered. "i j-just wanted to see i-if you wanted something—"

jeongguk looked up to her with angry, hooded eyes and a pursed lip. "i'm fine," he let out sharply and then got up, taking the letter, and walked towards the bedrooms silently.

adriana was left by herself, alone with her thoughts that couldn't help but think this was the end of them. these were all signs, weren't they? the forcible distance, the curt language, the ignorance. it was all signs of a break up.

and adriana wasn't ready.

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