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📼 don't wanna cry

jeongguk didn't think it was possible, but heartbreak had happened in the city of paris.

taehyung, after a week of the younger trying to make him feel better while he waited for rose's signal, had heard from his girlfriend, and the news was not good.

jeongguk had then decided that paris might not have been all that it was cracked up to be. it wasn't always like the movies or books — it really, was a completely different story.

paris was what you made of it.

for taehyung, however, his story unfortunately contained heartbreak.

the playboy, the one who wasn't ready to settle down, the freelance artist who was quite freelance with his heart — had settled down. he had given his heart to someone.

and boy, did it hurt like a bitch when it got broken.

he and rose had a long, thought out talk about where they stood as a couple and where they stood as individual people.

taehyung was sad, but it had to be done.

they were both civilized, grown adults, both never wanting to peter around the truth or hide things from each other. and the current situation was obvious:

they had fallen out of love.

they would always love each other, of course. but they weren't in love with each other. there was a big difference.

and therefore, it came to an end.

a once perfect romance, seemed to dissipate in front of jeongguk's eyes. he couldn't imagine what taehyung was feeling, if he himself felt this bad about it.

so, he was holed up in taehyung's apartment, elise across the hall in his.

what was happening with elise, you ask?

well, after a very thought out talk, she decided to stay a little while longer in paris. they decided it was best to revisit the idea of her staying there permanently once taehyung was a little more on the up and up and paris didn't seem so gloomy and forlorn.

so, that's where it left them — elise asleep in his bed as he sat by taehyung's sleeping body on his emerald velvet couch. the poor boy hadn't slep much in the past week, and jeongguk was just grateful he had gotten a little the past night. jeongguk didn't care if it meant he, himself, was awake for most of the night, worried something was wrong with the older — he was just glad taehyung was safe, and that he could be there for him.

after all, taehyung was there for him through thick and thin all those months ago.

as his best friend, he was honoured to be the one taehyung turned to.

he never mentioned his family much. jeongguk just supposed there wasn't much of a relationship left there, knowing the older would perhaps open up if the time came around and he wanted to. otherwise, he was fine knowing taehyung as just taehyung.

but really, outside of each other, who did they have?

rose turned out to be temporary, to taehyung's anguish. elise was a temporary that might be a permanent, or even a constant — but the next day is never promised and the future is so unseeable, that, who really knows?

exactly. tomorrow isn't promised.

it never was.

there was never a rule book written to life that entailed how the next day, the next moment, would work.

tomorrow isn't promised, nor is it planned.

so jeongguk guesses you have to make the most out of the time you have, with the people you love, and the things you adore.

it took him this long, but it's better late than never, don't you think?

he smiles to himself, pushing the blanket higher up to taehyung's chin as he stays in his slumber.

the sun appears to be rising, the open windows letting in the tingle of sunlight that turns the apartment a golden hue.

jeongguk turns to his phone, a warm feeling in his chest.

jeon jeongguk
i love you.

he didn't need a reply. he knew elise was sound asleep — probably missing him, but he wasn't that far away.

he didn't want to be, ever again.

so why did he send it?

because the man beside him, the city in front of him, the heart inside of him — made him realize, that tomorrow is not promised.

tell people you love them. write that letter and send it. book that plane ticket halfway across the world.

live your life in the moment and to the fullest, because tomorrow is not promised.

last chapter before the epilogue :,(
which, will be up shortly in the next few days and then i have a surprise for you guys that i hope you'll participate in!
thank you so much for coming on this journey with me,
and i hope you enjoy the epilogue 🤍

also, how do we like my new covers?

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