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"so she's back?"

taehyung nodded his head, setting down his coffee cup. "yeah and he's all fucked up because of it."

rose's heart sunk. she loved jeongguk as much as taehyung did. he was their best friend—taehyung's more, but nonetheless. rose couldn't imagine someone breaking his heart again. never mind the same girl. how tragic a fate.

"that's so sad. what can we do?" she asked. the couple sat outside of their favourite café, along the busy streets of blanche. mopeds, petite cars, and people on bicycles ushered up and down the small street. blanche was like their own little city within the city. everyone knew everyone, and everyone provided for everyone. there was no need really, to go outside of the street—it had everything.

"i don't really know," taehyung answered, the bright sun reflecting off his sunglasses. rose thought he looked extra dapper today in his dark slacks and white button up. "i'm not even entirely convinced she's real yet."

rose scoffed, thinking he was joking, but then realized that he wasn't. "wait," she paused, "you're serious?"

taehyung nodded. "yes?"

rose sat back in her chair, her long blonde hair flowing as the breeze carried it. "tae, we saw her in the stairwell."

"but we were drunk, were we not?" he implied, pursing his lips as he finished. rose thought he had a point. they had just come home from a tiring night of dancing and drinking, and the lady in the stairwell could have very possibly just been a stranger. rose didn't really even remember what she looked like.

"but we saw someone, tae," she defended. "around the same time as jeongguk said she showed up at his door," taehyung nodded. he thought her points were valid too. "plus, she asked us for his apartment."

"yeah," taehyung agreed. "i don't know. i'd just like to see it to believe it, you know?"

rose nodded and then took a sip of her expresso. "perhaps jeongguk just needs a distraction," she suggested.

taehyung smirked, the gold necklaces around his neck shimmering in the sunlight. "i've got the perfect thing."

rose smiled. "good. that'll buy me some time to find this elise chick."

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