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📼 fake smile
ariana grande

taehyung unlocked jeongguk's apartment with the key he had stolen off the rack a while ago. sneaking into the small living room, carefully closing the door without a sound, he found jeongguk, passed out on the dark green couch with an empty bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. the windows were strewn open and a hefty breeze flowed through the apartment.

taehyung sighed and gave him a sympathetic glance before pulling out his phone and typing on away on the keyboard.


he waited as the three bubbles appeared on the screen and danced.


taehyung put his phone back into his pocket and stared at jeongguk with his hands on his hips. what was he going to do with him now?


meanwhile, on the bustling streets of paris, rose walked on a mission. one of her high school friends who was now working as a translator, had told her one of their customers that week had been a girl fitting the description of elise. so rose was on a manhunt.

"excuse me," she asked the owner of a small bakery who was selling baguettes under an awning, "can you tell me where blaise moreau's apartment is?"

the old man nodded, pleased at the fluidity and elegance of her french, "it's the building right beside me. fourth floor, second apartment." rose smiled and thanked the man, then headed up to the alleged apartment.

she knocked three times and was relieved when someone answered the door. she was tall, long blonde hair like rose herself, and very pretty.

"hi," rose exclaimed, suddenly a bit nervous. "are you blaise?"

the woman nodded, her dark eyes innocent and lively. "yes, can i help you?"

rose smiled. "i'm actually looking for someone. her name's elise park."

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