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📼 rainbow
kacey musgraves

taehyung was woken up by the pleasant banging noise that came from his front door. it wouldn't stop. the pounding just kept going, like a heartbeat. angrily succumbing to the racket, he got up out of bed sleepily and made his way to open the door.

there, on the other side, stood a fully awake jeongguk with a frown, accompanied by a look of panic on his face. taehyung, on the other hand, looked tired; his hair dishevelled and presumable pyjamas still on his body.
taehyung groaned when he recognized his friend through the sleep that lingered in his eyes. "what?" he asked sluggishly.

jeongguk gave out a small sound resembling a whine and then pushed past taehyung, entering his apartment.

"okay, tornado, what's wrong?" taehyung asked in a raspy voice, looking at the place jeongguk was just standing, and then closed the door. the younger paced around his living room, hands in his hair and then on his hips and then back up to his hair.

"it's elise."

taehyung paused. "like elise elise?"

jeongguk stopped pacing only to scold him sarcastically, "yes elise elise. what other elise's do you know?"

taehyung groaned, taking a seat onto his couch, figuring he could be here a while. "no need to be sassy." jeongguk humphed and plopped down next to him, wallowy and sad. "what happened?"

"she came to my apartment," jeongguk answered quietly. the two stared ahead at the tv, although nothing was on.

"and what? professed some undying love to you?"

jeongguk bit his lip, "no. she did that in a letter two weeks ago."

taehyung jolted to look at him a bit, but then looked forward again. "she wrote to you?"

jeongguk nodded. he remembered the letter. he had memorized it—what her handwriting looked like, what her periods looked like, the way she signed her names in cursive. he could replicate it on the spot just from memory. "she said she still loved me."

"and then she showed up at your door."

"at two in the morning," jeongguk added. taehyung nodded. "how did she find my apartment?"

taehyung scoffed, "are you dumb? you wrote the return address on your letters." jeongguk blanked, and then nodded. of course he did.

"well—she-she didn't have the right to-to show up like that," he stammered.

"it's a free country—"

"shut up," jeongguk mumbled. taehyung wasn't helping him right now. "i just want to know why she's here."

the older arched an eyebrow, turning to look at him. "you didn't ask her when she came to your door?"


"what'd you do then?"

jeongguk pursed his lips, thinking that maybe what he did wasn't the best idea. "i slammed the door in her face."

taehyung sighed and ran his fingers through his black hair. "oh boy." jeongguk fiddled with his fingers. within the process of two weeks, elise had managed to turn his life upside down, without them even interacting in the slightest. he couldn't believe how much power she still held over him.

"wait," taehyung blurted out amongst jeongguk's thoughts. the younger turned to him attentively. "she's short, got like, mocha hair, really intense eyes?" he questioned.

jeongguk paused and furrowed his eyebrows. "...yes?" he answered cautiously.

taehyung snapped his fingers together. "i saw her. yeah, last night. around two am in the stairwell."

jeongguk's mouth gaped. "you saw her?" a part of him wanted to know more, but another was content in knowing that he hadn't dreamt her up.

"well i didn't know it was her..."

"how—why the hell did you see her?"

taehyung shrugged. "rose and i got home from the bar late. there was dancing," taehyung answered innocently. jeongguk groaned, pushing his palms against his face, in hopes he could squeeze the life out of this day and go back in time. "she asked for your apartment."

"of course she did," jeongguk mumbled from behind his hands.

"she's pretty, dude."

jeongguk looked up indignantly at him. "you don't think i fucking know that?"

taehyung chuckled a little, patting jeongguk's back and sighing, "i can see why you were so torn up about her."

jeongguk groaned again, his few of many. "yeah, and all that was fine when she was back in seoul. but now she's not. she's in paris, and that changes the game." jeongguk fell back against the couch in defeat.

taehyung looked to his friend with sad eyes. it hurt him to see jeongguk like this. she had broken him before, and to him, it looked like she was going to do it again. whether she knew it or not. "jeongguk, it's not a game anymore if she's already won."

poor jk :(
but y'all don't know elise's side of the story yet, so just breathe a lil :)
i hope you like it so far xx

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