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lennon stella

jeongguk sat in the bar, motioning to the bar tender to give him another. this was typical of him to do after a long day—a long stressful day. everything lately had just seemed to piss him off and he didn't like it. so, naturally, he drowned his stress in sorrows.

taehyung sat beside him. because it had been a long day for him too. a long day of putting up with jeongguk's bullshit. the younger had been curt the whole day and taehyung couldn't figure out why. so when jeongguk mentioned that he was getting drunk after work, taehyung had to go along to make sure he didn't. he just happened to be a little too late.

"how many is that?" taehyung asked.

jeongguk shrugged, taking the glass into his hands once the bartender slid it in front of him. "i don't know."

"i think that means cut off, buddy," taehyung said whilst pursing his lips. jeongguk didn't even acknowledge him. he just downed another glass of whiskey like it was nothing and signalled to the bartender for another.

taehyung could see him slipping. he could physically see jeongguk slipping into a hole he had been in no longer than six months ago. so what had come back into his life that was making it so miserable?


"are you writing again?" taehyung asked and jeongguk turned to him drunkenly.

"no," he answered, and then went back to his drink.

not bingo. but taehyung didn't exactly believe him.

people continued to chatter around them and sip on their drinks moderately while new customers entered and others left, signalled by the jingling of the bells on the door. the conversations got louder, but jeongguk's mind began to tune it all out. he could only focus on the whiskey in his glass. but even then, the amber drink started to fade once elise's letter and her words slipped back into his mind. more whiskey, more whiskey, his mind thought every time that happened. so he downed another and asked for one more. it was never just 'one more', but it helped him. it helped him to forget. jeongguk thought whiskey was supposed to drown the memory, but the memory was seeming to drown the whiskey instead.

"yes, i'd be happy to show you around," the conversation slipped into jeongguk's ears, allowing him to forget about elise for one second.

"thank you, that'd be greatly appreciated. i don't really know my way around yet," and then it was followed by a giggle. a giggle jeongguk could recognize anywhere. her voice too, he could recognize that. but he wished he hadn't. his mind couldn't believe how drunk he was—he was starting to hear her voice.

taehyung tensed when jeongguk tensed. then the younger downed yet another glass at the speed of light, but didn't ask for one more. he stopped and taehyung watched as a single tear fell down his cheek.

"hey," taehyung leaned in closer to him. "what's wrong?"

"g-get me out of here," jeongguk stammered weakly. taehyung didn't ask any further questions. he nodded and threw some euros onto the counter before he helped his drunken friend out of the loud bar.

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