Thorin- Lost Lady of Erebor pt.2

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Continued request for 04olivia04

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The entire kingdom rejoiced that evening. The evil witch Valezka was gone; Thorin had broken her spell upon you with the powers of love, and plans for the wedding were back on. 

Even as you drank ale and stuffed your face with food like you were still about to die, you couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy and trauma and relief-- they all just kept pouring. Thorin chuckled and held you close as the dwarves sang and danced on tables. 

"It's okay, amralime, it's okay," he said and rocked you in his arms.

"I know," you croaked and shoved more bread in your mouth. "I'm just... so happy."

He kissed your head. "Me, too."

Not long after, your friends huddled around you, already trying to plan the wedding. When they plopped down a catalog of the finest wedding gowns on the table, Thorin took it as his cue to leave.

"I'll let you ladies talk about dresses and such," he said and scooted off the bench. Not ready to separated from him so soon, you reached out for him. He assured you all was well, and went over to talk with his cousins Balin and Dwalin on the other side of the room.

Balin had a small smile on his face as he watched the dwarrowdams cheer and gush over possible gowns-- but something about him seemed off.

"Is everything alright, Balin?" Thorin asked, breaking the elder dwarf from his trance.

"Yes, Thorin," he said with a deep huff, "everything is fine."

But Thorin knew better. When Balin exhaled like that, things definitely weren't fine.

"Don't try to lie to me," he said sternly.

From his other side, Dwalin spoke up,

"We aren't sure what to think about Valezka's defeat," he explained, arms crossed. "It seemed too... easy."

Thorin wouldn't object to this. The fact had been weighing on his own mind all day. The only time he had seen the witch, she had displayed such great, evil power. Today, he had done nothing more than yell your name, and somehow that had broken her spell.  

His cousins recognized this, and Balin said, "I think when you barged in, it was unexpected by her. It scared her off, but not for good."

"You think she will attack again?" Thorin asked.

"I'm almost certain of it," Balin said gravely. 

From the table you were at, there was a sudden burst of squeals from your friends, loud enough to draw Thorin's attention. He made his way over to see what all the commotion was about. The crowd parted for him, leading him to face his blushing lady. 

"Thorin," you began tentatively, "will you marry me? Tonight?"

At your request, his heart melted and he forgot Valezka. He was so flabbergasted, though, that he didn't know how to respond. You were never so direct with your desires like this. 

"Tonight?" he echoed and gestured to the book of dresses. "But (y/n), these gowns will take at least a week to make."

You shut the book and pushed it away. "I don't need any of these gowns," you insisted bashfully. "I still have the one you gave me for my fiftieth birthday, remember? It's been doing nothing but collect dust this past decade, and I'd like to get some more use out of it.

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