𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚄𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜

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 You, Number 8 and another member of the academy has been sent on a mission to stop the shipment of illegal substances across Canada to the USA. However, you injure yourself trying to protect the other member resulting you to become unconscious.

P.S Vanya's includes when you come back to the academy unconscious. Ben is also alive in some of these imagines.


"(Y/N) NO!"

You have Magnetic Manipulation as your power.

Shits himself When he sees you lying on the ground half dead. He won't and can't stop thinking about how you injured yourself just to protect him. He sits by your bed as you lay there, his eyes only on you. His hands are always holding onto your own, thumb rubbing circles on the top of it. Exhaustion and fatigue takes over him from time to time because he hasn't been able to take care of himself properly. Drinks away the night, when he's away from you. He just want's you awake and in his arms and smiling that beautiful smile of yours. 


You have Energy Conversion as your power.


Blames himself constantly, from the time he sees your body fall to when your in bed, IV needle in your forearm. He doesn't speak. Gets super violent. Tracks down the people who did this to you (If he hasn't already killed them) impulsively and takes care of them in the worst way. Stays away from your bedroom because he can't look at you without getting angry at himself for not protecting you to the best of his abilities. Easily snaps as the other siblings when they make the littlest of mistakes. He just wants you with him again.



You have Self Multiplication as your power.

Her heart stops when you fall back on her, unconscious the rest of your multiples disintegrating. Rage consumes her as she attacks the people who have done this to you with ease. Cries as she watches you, clenches a lot to hold back her tears. She often Holds onto your hand and plays with your fingers as you rest. She is always there to check up on how you are when Pogo gives you your daily IV's and Bloods. She is always Sleeping in the same room as you and has spare clothes and garments for the both of you. Talks to you as if you can hear her. She just wants you to open your eyes.



You have Liquification as your power.

He scrambles towards your body as quick as he can before escaping. Lays you down as soft as he possibly can. Drowns himself with drugs and alcohol when he notices you aren't waking up. Ben can only do so much when it comes to stopping him from overdosing. He checks up on you at least 5 times a day and is always questioning Pogo about when you're going to wake up. The other siblings feel deeply for him never seeing him be so committed and in love with someone other than himself. He just want's to hear your laughing again.



You have Age Manipulation and Substance Mimicry as your power.

Spacial jumps towards you before your body falls to the ground. Ends up maniacally killing each of the people in the area that were in on the job of smuggling. He carries you with a stoic face in his arms as he reaches your room. He shouts angrily and is easily triggered by anything the siblings do. He cries at night when he's next to you watching as you breathing is barely visible. He doesn't sleep and makes it his aim to get you to wake up no matter what. He gets more on edge day by day when you don't wake up. 


"No... I- I no..."

Your have Danger Sign as your power.

Ben stops what he's doing as soon as he sees your eyes close. He retracts his tentacles and runs as fast as he can towards you. Cries softly as he carries you back to the academy. Doesn't let anyone touch you other than himself. He becomes more and more depressed as the hours pass by with you not awake and trying to make him laugh. He gets scared when he sees you go into cardiac arrest and wishes to swap places with you. Lays his head in your hand to see if you will move it anytime. He just wants you to move. For him.


Your have Super Mentality as your power.

She scrambles from her bedroom to yours when she hears Diego shout your name and that your unconscious. Cries too much for the others to console her. Mumbles next to your bed on how much she loves you and wishes for you to wake up. Talks to herself about not being worth it and how you should be with someone better than her. Takes constant care of you without anyone else. Won't open the door to your room unless she needs to have a shower or eat. Plays the violin for you in hopes that you can hear the new pieces she's playing. She just wants you to be there when she plays her violin.

Authors Note:

Yeet skeet.

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