𝚁𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 Pt.2

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"So you're telling me-" You point at yourself as you and five stroll down back alleys, "The world ends in eight days? I mean, wha- I don't get you." You shake your head trying to make sense of it all. The both of you were travelling towards Fives sister's home, Vanya.

Five had just explained the fact that he had spent 43 years stuck into the future only to find out that there was an apocalypse that had wiped out the whole of humanity. He also explained at how he couldn't figure out what caused it other than a shitty glass eye he held.

"It's actually really simple. I just need to stop the apocalypse." Five answered before stopping in front of  a minor run down apartment complex. 

"Lets climb."


"Don't you think it's a little weird climbing through your sisters window? Why not use the door? Won't she get scared?" You continued to question as you both entered through.

"You ask so many questions don't you little one." Five raised his brow at you before the door opened to reveal Vanya.

"Jesus you scared me five." She spoke holding onto her chest.

"How'd you get in?" 

"The window."

"I live on the second floor."

"Rapists can climb."

"Pshhh that makes you one then old man." You grumbled quietly but just loud enough for Five to glare at you.

"Oh, are you fives girlfriend?" Vanya finally noticed you with a tad smile on her face.

"Ew, I would never. We just met like an hour ago. We're more... how you say, vaguely acquainted." You explain to Vanya as she nods her head. 

"What she means to say is that she has powers too. That's why I bought her." Vanya only looks at you. When she turns Five pinches your hip making you squeal. He chuckles lowly as Vanya turns back.

"Is that blood?"


"So, what made you come here?" Vanya sat down handing you and Five a mug.

"I've decided your the only one I can trust other than this weirdo next to me." Five explained nodding his head to point at you as you flickered around with your powers, money and books disintegrating ad reappearing in your hand.

"Hm, what was that?" 

"Nothing idiot, go back to what you were doing." He waves you off with his hand and you shrug.

"Why me?"

"Because your ordinary."

Vanya's face dropped as Five spoke and you flicked a metal pellet at his forehead that had appeared in your hand. 

"That's so rude." You glare at him as he only shrugs.

"Alright, it's because you're the only one that listens." He gives up sitting comfortably.

"The world ends in 8 days and I don't know how to stop it." Five sighs out.



"You two can take the couch, I'll be in my room if you need anything." Vanya stood up setting the sofa up comfortably. She heads out towards her bedroom and closes the door. After five sees that she's gone he heads towards the exit and you just follow him with your eyes before he stops to wink at you. 

"What? aren't you coming?" He cocks his brow with a smirk as you shake your head.

"I regret coming with you." You say mockingly before following him out the door.


"So, why are we at a department store?" You ask as both you and five, who is now holing a grey duffel bag, stroll down the isles towards mannequins.

"Delores, I told you I'd come back." He ignores your question picking up the dolls top half and placing it inside the duffel bag. 

"This-" You point at the doll. "Is Delores?" You snort as Five glares menacingly at you.

"Well, when the whole fucking world is dead you'd think I'd go insane without her to which I almost did as a matter of fa-" He was cut off short from his explanation as gunshots rang through.

Two people, a man and a woman. Both dressed in suits and had masks on their faces. Running towards the both of you with massive guns.

"Oh shit they found me." Five chimes in as you both look at each other in fear. He grabs the duffel back and you before jumping behind an isle holding knifes and kitchen utensils. 

"Can you make guns?" Five asks. You nod your head before making 2 fully loaded guns appear in your hands. Five smiles and grabs one of them before jumping and shooting at the pair. You join in running out and shooting at the suited animal heads. 

Five shouts for you to stay back as you continue shooting at them hitting them in the arm and leg before they shoot at you hitting you in the shoulder. You yell out in pain dropping the gun and materialising bandages around your shoulder to keep the wound covered before creating two bombs. Police sirens arise from the chaos making the four of you loose track. You throw the bombs towards the pair as they still look out the window before grabbing the duffel bag and Five, running out the doors.


"You could have died!" Five scolded you as you both sat in his room at the academy.

"I literally bandaged myself up two seconds after they shot at me." You reply lazily sitting on his bed.

"Did you take the bullet out?" Five questions you and you shake your head. He clicks his tongue before dragging you to his bathroom making you sit at the counter top. 

"Take off your shirt and make some tweezers I'm taking the bullet out." He asks and you comply taking your shirt off and handing him tweezers. 

This is gonna hurt hold onto my shoulders and squeeze them if it hurts too much." He places your good arms hand on his shoulder, standing in between your legs and removing the bandage gently. His hands work efficiently in taking out the bullets only having to yelp and squeeze his shoulder twice before he took the bullet out. 

"That's one big bullet." You say looking at it in the tweezers. 

"Yeah, sure is." Five replies looking at you.

"What?" You raise your brow at him

"I've realised something. You're quite beautiful up close." Five smiles gently.

"What? I've got all these bruises from that damn orphanage. Are you trying to make a joke?" You scoff not realising your grip tightening on his shoulder.

"I'm being one hundred percent serious. You are a beauty." He leans in placing a small kiss on your lips.

You freeze at his sudden move and his face flares up before he rushes out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.

Authors note:

:) I like this, it's cute. 

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