Flames Of Love Pt.1

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Diego Hargreeves X Supernatural! Reader


Fire doesn't mean destruction.

Alternate AU!


"Did daddy ever tell you about how he got mommy to marry him Melissa?" Diego whispered into his daughter's ear as she lay next to him, snuggled in their king sized bed. his left arm being used as a pillow with his other stroking her blonde hair.

"I wanna hear! Please?" She whispered in return, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes he had ever seen making him grin from ear to ear.

"Alright, Where do I begin!"


It was a cold Friday afternoon in the Hargreeves home, the siblings had just returned from their latest mission, successfully taking down the problem which had led them to be the most exhausted they had ever been.

"I'm going out for dinner, anyone coming? No? OK." Diego chatted before slamming his car door shut.

It had been well over two hours since Diego had left the house when a stranger had knocked. Vanya, being the most attentive one had jolted at the loud knock and scurried to open the door only to be met with a surprise.


"Help me..."


"Luther! Klaus! Ben!"


(Y/n) woke up with a large gasp, the air that had once been knocked from her lungs returning in great gulps as she heaved out. Her sight still blurry but the pain of the burns causing her to groan in agony.

"(Y/n), Your awake." a voice called from the distance. The tone a low baritone one that almost sounded like a growl.

Her eyes scanned the room spotting a large figure that almost loomed over her.

"Luther, you scared me." (Y/n) coughed, vision clearing as she rubbed her eyes.

"You scared us (Y/n). What if we hadn't got to you in time? If you hadn't come to us. Your our number 8. Your lucky Diego hadn't been home or else he'd of had a bitch fit like he usually does over you. Be careful, your burns are worse than last time." Luther spoke with care, helping her sit up from her resting position whilst also scolding her by flicking her forehead.

"You'll always be my big brother Lu." (Y/n) smiled rubbing at her now red forehead.

"(Y/n) as glad as I am that you're finally awake, I need to leave before Diego comes and rips my ears off with his yelling so... yeet." Vanya ran through the double doors leaving the two siblings astonished before another voice was heard.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Diego's voice Boomed at the entrance. Luther held his head in his hand, rubbing slowly at his temples and shaking his head softly.

"Here we go..."

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT (Y/N)?" Diego barged in anger evident in the way he spoke and stomped towards (Y/n) with his brows deeply furrowing.

"Diego relax, I'll heal in a few hours. Super human?" (Y/n) held her hands up in defence.

"But a whole ass building? That was on fire? Really?" His tone calmed but his brows still furrowed.

"Yes. It is my Duty as number 8 to do public services. Firefighters deal with it? so why cant I?" She began to retaliate annoyed at Diego's behaviour.

"I'll be going then." Luther coughed awkwardly making the two send glares towards him.

"You weren't even wearing protective gear or even an oxygen mask! I've seen the video they posted on placebook it's all over!! You weren't even wearing proper clothes!" Diego began to rant. (Y/n) however had zoned out as soon as he said 'you' meaning she hadn't heard a word the man was yelling about. All she knew was that she was healing and needed food. Chinese sounded about right.

"Food anyone?" Five barged in, a bag of Chinese in his clutch.

Diego swiftly turned his head to look at Five with the most menacing face he could pull earning a small cough and chuckle from the poor man.

"Ahah.. wrong time?" He looked towards (Y/n) who held a smile.

"Wrong time? you little sh-"

"Just the right time Fivey, I'm starving!" (Y/n) cut him off from exploding once more.

Five grinned flashing next to her placing the carrier on the medical bed and ripping it open revealing two boxes. He handed chopsticks to his sister before grabbing his own and immediately tucking in with her.

"Are you two seriously eating at a time like this? You just woke up (Y/n)! Five!" Diego scoffed in disbelief at the two.

"Hey look, my burns are gone. Thanks DD you ranted my injuries away!" (Y/n) patted Diego's shoulder and continued to eat.

Diego began to stutter in disbelief at the lack of seriousness coming from (Y/n) and the injuries she had just had that he turned around and stomped off out of the room waving his hands in the air.

Five leaned over towards (Y/n) and whispered "Why does he look like a spasming fish?"

A few seconds later a loopy Klaus and worried Ben had rushed into the room bombarding (Y/n) with questions.

"Yes yes I'm fine, yes, no? KLAUS NO I DID NOT BURN MY UNDERWEAR!?!" (Y/n) choked on her noodles.

"Hey (Y/n)... are you gonna finish those?" Ben pointed towards the box of Chinese.

(Y/n) shook her head and handed the noodles over to Ben with a smile and he gladly chomped down on them.

"Hey, Five... you gonna finish those noodles?" Klaus asked. His hands were clasped together as he looked up at five with a pouty face.




"ʸᵒᵘʳᵉ ˢᵒ ᵐᵉᵃⁿ ᶠᶦᵛᵉ"

(Y/n) and Ben had dove into their own conversation whilst the other two argued about the now cold Chinese food.

"Hey Ben, wanna go out? I'm bored." She asked him tilting her head to the side and jumping down from the medical bed.

"Sure. As long as it's safe." Ben nodded his head.

"Moderately safe?"



Yolo :)

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