𝚁𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 pt.1

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Five Hargreeves x Reader


You have the ability of age manipulation and materialisation.

 You have been abused constantly by the head carer of an orphanage you used to live at for being abnormal and having powers. Sick of it you runaway, no where in mind until you spot a cafe. There you meet your new friend and possibly future lover.

Warning: this plot only covers little of the actual series, its more the growth in the relationship between you and five.


"Get back here you fucking bitch!" You run as you hear the owner of the voices steps get louder. Tears stain your face as you continue running not looking back for a second to see the head carer with their angriest face chasing after you in the streets. "I'll get you!" They yell as the stop once you reach the outskirts of the town. Your trusted map in your backpack leads you tot he main city of Toronto where you spot a run down greasy spoon. It's currently 10 pm so you doubt anyone would be in there other than the waitress.

You step inside, noticing two people. A boy and a man. They both look at you but the boy's look lingers for a little longer. You dare not make eye contact as you look at the menu when the two other people order.

The man orders an eclair and boy, a black coffee? Its strange to say the least but you pay no mind finally deciding on your order.

"And what'll you have young lady?" She smiles softly at you her eyes slightly widening at the large bruise across your cheek that you poorly hid with makeup.

"I'll have the chocolate croissant with a white chocolate latte please." You whisper softly enough so she can hear.

 You can tell she pays no mind before going behind and grabbing your order alongside the two other customers. 

The boy sitting next to you glances at you from time to time, his green orbs taking in your slightly battered appearance. Your hands fiddle under the table as he continues to gaze at you then your hands forgetting that you need to make money up fast. Your hands glow slightly as money is materialised into your palm and his eyes widen. When you look up to face him you see his head suddenly swish to the side as if he never took a second glace at you.

"Here y'all are." The waitress comes back in with the orders, the man next to the boy eats his eclair quickly before leaving the establishment.

"You." The boy finally speaks when the waitress goes behind into the kitchen once again.

"You've hidden that bruise pretty badly, i can see the ones on your arms too. If your gonna cover up might as well do it correctly." He counts looking at you directly. You avert his gaze still looking forward as he sips his coffee still looking at you. 

"I never asked for your opinion school boy, now if you don't mind I've had enough of getting beaten both physically and emotionally today so if you don't mind." You pause at the end making a zipping action on your lips. "Zip it." 

"Wow, I'm really sorry about that." The boy's eyes dull down as he plays with the short of his uniform before sipping at his coffee once again.

Suddenly men barge into the cafe all heavily loaded with guns and ammunition as they point them at the boy. 

"Ah they found me pretty quick." The boy continues to sip at his coffee. "Commission wants to speak with you outside." the biggest of the men speak. You shrivel in your seat as you notice the rest of the men looking at you weirdly. "I have nothing to say." The boy continues to speak calmly "we can do this the easy way or the hard way"

"I really don't wanna shoot a kid, do you know how hard it'll be to go home with that on my conscience?" "Well, You aren't going home." The boy speaks one last time placing his coffee cup down before picking up a butter knife and jumping into a blue portal.

"powers." You whisper as he kills off each of the men with ease.

You lift your head up once he cracks the neck of the last living opponent before grabbing his tie and placing it back onto himself.

"You have powers?" You question warily, walking towards him.

"Yeah, of course I do. I'm Five Hargreeves. I'm part of the Umbrella Academy." He counters fixing his tie in place.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and I- um.. I have powers too." You look down towards your feet.

"I noticed, what is it? Materialisation?" He questioned making you nod your head still not looking at him.

"I- um, I also have age manipulation." You say softly making his eyes widen.

"How come you're not an adult then?"

"I didn't want to go through puberty."

Five laughs at your answer making you lift your head to look at him. He had dark brown hair and green eyes, the Umbrella Academy uniform and a nice pair of shiny shoes. A total posh schoolboy look. Apart from the minor splatters of blood.

"I wish I could say the same, I'm currently 58 in my conscience but my body is that of a 15 year old again. How convenient. I have to go through puberty. Twice." He chuckles at the last part making you laugh too.

"If it makes you any better I'm 30." You smile at him. 

"Ah shit, wait a sec I gotta do something." He picks up a knife from one of the dead men and heads towards a table. "What are you gonna do with that?" You question walking towards where he's stood.

"I'm just gonna-" He lengthens out piercing his forearm creating a long, deep cut. "Hey what the fuck?" You look at him as he prods his fingers into the gash and retrieves a silver pill like thing with flashing lights. "What the fuck is that?" You ask in shock as he throws it out through the broken glass door.

"A tracker." He says.

"Anyway, (Y/n) would you like to come with me back to the academy? We can provide for you there if you want, Of course I'd like to hear your story along the way if you choose to come. But  I must go some where before we head to the academy." He heads towards the exit turning his head to face you who was too busy thinking.

"I have nothing to loose so why not." You smile at him before jogging towards he exit also and leaving with him.




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