What falling in love feels like.

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Diego Hargreeves x Reader

Description: Diego's first experience at what falling in love is.


Realisation hit him almost immediately.

You, him and the rest of the siblings had been in the common room when it happened. You'd all been relaxing and making jokes about Luther and Five's escapades as well as Vanya's now broken glass after they tripped on the carpet.

He felt like his chest had been hit with a hammer repeatedly. He was only making a joke. His stomach sank to the pits of him, almost like it was going to fall out. Everything around him slowed down, as if he'd fallen out of touch with the world. Nothing but your laughter ringing in his ears. A sweet melody of a laugh.

His knee's buckled slightly, eyes feeling like they were under so much pressure they'd burst. His breath shortened out, hands shaking. It was like someone was filling him with an emotion he'd been wishing to never receive. He felt like his brain had missed its wiring, all that neurological wiring that had kept him the way he was. Perfectly fine without that emotion. An unwanted and undesired feeling.

He was confused. Confused as to why he felt so good. Filled with a light breezy feeling from the chest pounding. Like he had swallowed fresh mint and violets. His eyes followed your form. You'd been talking but all he could look at was the soft twinkle in your eyes and those perfect lips.

He was doomed. How could it have come to this. Seriously how could it. He couldn't even process half of it, one second he was fine and now he just wanted to kiss you and keep you in his arms forever. He felt trapped almost. Like you'd contained him. He blamed you. This was your fault. You were making him fall in love. He couldn't think of the possibilities of what could happen beyond this, this feeling of falling in love... with you.

I gotta get out of here. I gotta leave. He frantically looked around before suddenly standing up and walking away from the group and dashing into the garden. The siblings as well as you all shocked by his sudden bursting chuckled awkwardly. You furrowed your brows at his behaviour. Diego wasn't one to just leave, He had to make a statement before doing so.

Breath holy crap Diego breath. He chanted in a whisper as his chest heaved for sweet release. A strangled groan came out of him, hand on his thighs, doubled over and heaving yet again. He felt like everything around him was spinning, even the ground he stood on.

Tears pooled in his eyes as he continued to think. You, you were so beautiful. So kind. So- so everything he ever wanted. But how could you even think to return feelings for him other than awkwardness and disgust. You were just... just so good, too good. For him to even think you'd accept his feelings was an utter joke.

"Diego? Are you alright?" You call from the steps, slowly walking towards him.

He struggles to make a sentence, only a faint "I'm good." Leaving his lips before he lifts himself up.

"Are you sure DD?" Oh that name, a name only you used because he'd only let you get away with it.

"Y-yeah, I'm- I'm good. Thanks for checking on me (Y/N)." He turns to smile at you to which you return sadly.

"Diego.." you call softly, lifting your hand up to cup his cheek and wiping the stray tear. Diego swore under his breath at the betrayal of his own tears.

"You can tell me DD.. I'm always gonna listen." You assure him.

"I- I don't know if I should. I'm scared of how you'll react." This worries you. What was he hiding?

"You could never scare me Diego." You nod, catching another one of his tears.

"I.. I think.." he draws off. His eyes are wide and shaky, breathing the same and you could feel the blood pulsating through his body.

"I think I'm in love with you (Y/N)."


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