Obsessive Pt.1

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Diego Hargreeves x Reader


second mini series from the Psych Line.

(Five is of the same physical age of the rest of the siblings.)

started: 00:00
finished: 23:49
song start: still around.



'...Run until your feet blister and burn. Run until you can't no more.' That's what she told me. He had almost caught me. If she hadn't have gotten in the way of that monster I doubt I'd be running on an empty motor way.

'Diego, honey I know about the basement.'

He killed her without a second thought. He killed her without batting an eyelash. No hesitation in his wave like movements. No emotion as she lay there before him.

I'm so sorry Grace... I'm so... so sorry.


"Hi welcome to Maslow Motel, what can I do for you miss?"

"A room. With your best locks please. I'd like to be secure."

"Don't worry ma'am, I assure you.. there won't be any issues."

"How do you know my name?"

"Don't worry (Y/n) Five called in. I had your room sorted ."



"Dude you need to chill the fuck out. I heard you the first time. I just don't know where she is! Stop asking me the same question over and over again like I'll voodoo up a fucking answer!" Five yelled at his brother as they both stood in the common room of the Hargreeves home.

"Why can't you just make a portal to her? I just want to know if she's alive. After I left the apartment she wasn't there." Diego gritted his teeth. His hair was tousled in all sorts of ways, a small scratch down his eye and a busted lip. His leg pained making him limp ever so slightly and twitch his red eyes with annoyance.

"You mean the basement." Five scoffed crossing his arms.

Diego's head shot towards Five an angry glare projecting at the other.

"Basement? What basement?" He questioned him looking a little frantic.

"The one where you kept (Y/n)? ya know I should have known you'd do that to get Diego." Five began his marathon towards Diego as he glared holes into him.

"She'd always have these weird bruises on her wrist... it always looked like the rope was too tight... isn't that right Diego?" Five was now right in front of the said man his fists and jaw clenched.

"You know nothing. I don't know what your talking about. You know (Y/n) like rough sex. It's just a mistake that the ropes were too tight." He replies shaking his head and chuckling dryly.

"Oh I know everything. I've seen everything. Everything you've done to her. Everything you've used on her. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I know the fact that you've kept (Y/n) in that disgusting basement downtown every night. I know you've raped her on countless accords but tell her you love her." He began poking at the others chest pushing him back little by little. "I know that you've abused her to the point she can't even think straight but don't even care to heal her wounds. And you know the best part? She loved your psycho ass." Five finished off with a harsh shove making Diego tumble onto the floor next to the coffee table in the room. Klaus and Ben had by then strolled into the room but the other two men payed no mind to them.

"You know how I figured it out? A call. You had left your phone down there, she told me. It was after your little rampage on her body. (Y/n) told me where you kept her and what you did. She quickly tried ending the call when you had come back down for it but she left in where you had. You beat her again. And I heard everything. Every single blow at her. And then you raped her." Five knelt down to face Diego. A gasp let out from Klaus's lips, his eyes wide and mouth slightly parted from the shock. Ben looking the same as they both froze from their seats on the barstools.

"He what?" Another voice came from behind the men. Vanya and Alison stood at the entrance of the room, a now furious Luther behind them as they walked in towards Diego who was still on the floor.

"You did what to my best friend?" Vanya growled striding more closed to Diego who was on the floor.

"I love her. You all know I love her. I want her for myself. That's why I did it. She can't be anyone else's. No one else's." Diego began picking himself off the ground and dusting his hands. "I knew it would come to this you know. Everyone finding out and trying to stop me from having my way with her. She is mine. I own her." He chuckled again darkly.

"You motherfu-" Vanya tried charging for Diego but had been caught just before landing a punch by Ben and Klaus who held her whilst glaring at Diego. A string of curse words left Vanya's mouth before Luther had decided to speak.

"I think it's best if you leave Diego. I don't want to be the one to kill you and leave all of the mess for Grace to clean."

"Gladly..." Diego smiled walking out of the exit throwing something across the room. He walked out, a grin on his face as the screen he was now holding lit up with co-ordinations.



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