𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 Pt.1

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Diego Hargreeves x Reader


You prank Diego in front of the rest of the siblings and he gets his revenge. You can open portals to different parts of the world at will.


"HAHAHA OH MY GOD DIEGO WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR HEAD!" Klaus buckles over in laughter as the rest of the siblings stifle a laugh.

"That's- Diego you look great with that hat. Suits your, how d'ya say, angry face." Five chuckles before special jumping out of the living room.

"Now that's some tentacles." Luther breaks out into a fit of laughter making Diego glare at him.

"WHERE IS (Y/N)?!" Diego screeches at them as they all continue to burst in laughter.

"Why don't you ask the octopus on your head Diego?!" Klaus pats his shoulder before leaving. The rest of the siblings follow after him, Diego looking as menacing as possible with a sea creature on his head. He pulls it off animatedly and trudges out towards your room his boots squelching as the soaked man continued on his trail.

He slams the door to your room making you jump up from your bed in surprise. 

"Ohhhhh heyyyyyyy Go-Go! You look like you've just been for a swim!" You laugh at him and he scowls pointing a finger at you.

"You! YOU SENT ME TO THE DAMN BARRIER REEF! LIKE REALLY! YOU KNOW I'M SHIT AT SWIMMING!" Diego rants and you laugh even more at him making him stop.

"I'm- You better watch your back. I'll get you for this soon enough!" He storms out slamming your door closed as you topple to the ground.


"GET MOM! DIEGO'S HURT!" Klaus's  yell makes you trip as you run out your room.

"DIEGO'S HURT WHERE?!" You shout as Luther carries a bloodied Diego towards the medic room.

Diego groans painfully as you race after him. His skin pale and covered with gashes and bruises. His clothes soaked with blood. Luther places him on the bed in the room and leaves.

"Diego! How did this happen!?" You start to tear up weakly holding onto his hand. He groans in pain more, his breath shallow as he tries to answer you.

You break out into sobs looking at Diego in pain and his hand slowly slips from your grasp your face paling as you drop to the floor.  Luther walks in and places a hand on your shoulder trying to take you out the room as mom walks in.

You follow Luther's lead turning back to see mom tending to Diego.


Mom walks out to the living room to where you and Luther are sitting and whispers for Luther to come over. Your heart speeds up as they both talk and a solemn look plasters on Luther's face.

"I- I don't know how to say this. Diego- Diego didn't make it." Luther finally breaks out. You whimper clutching your hand over your mouth to clam your sobs. Luther hugs you and leads you towards the room where Diego is. Dead.

You trace your hand over his and cry into his chest as he lays lifelessly. Luther leaves the room shortly and you begin to mumble between your sobs apologetically.

"I- I never got to tell you that I loved you Diego." You continue to rack out sniffling as your hand goes towards his face.

With a harsh smack on the cheek he screeches and topples down from the bed,

"You think you could fake your death to scare me? That's low Diego." You laugh out clapping sarcastically.

"Wha- How?" Diego stands unable to comprehend the situation.

"Well first off, the blood smelt like strawberry sauce, secondly, You used Vanya's concealer to make yourself look pale but you forgot your neck. Third, I could feel your heartbeat when I put my head on your chest." You point out as Diego chuckles awkwardly.


"Try harder next time." You click your fingers opening a portal beneath him.

"See you in Bali!" 


Author's Note:


Here's a pic i made of Diego.

Here's a pic i made of Diego

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Yeet Skeet 3.0

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