𝚁𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 Pt.3

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"Well." You cough out walking back into Fives room.

You see he had already changed into some pyjamas and was sitting quite awkwardly on his bed.

"I-I'll sleep in the living room, you sleep in my bed." He stated before heading towards the door.

"Wait." You call out to him making him stop and turn to look at you.

"What is it?" He questions softly.

"Why don't you just spacial jump to the living room instead of walking out the door?" you ask him tilting your head.

Five scoffs and chuckles at you before picking up a pillow and throwing it at you. "And here I thought you wanted me to stay." He shakes his head afterwards.

"You do realise I can easily make a bed out of nothing but my hands yet you wanna sleep in the cold." You state raising your eyebrow before materialising a small bed next to Fives and getting into it. Five laughs at you as you nod your head to point at the bed for him to lay on.

He reluctantly decided to get into the bed next to you his eyes still glued to you at all points.

"Why are you staring at me again its giving me the creeps." You furrow your brows before materialising a tiny cushion to hit him with.

"He- Ow! What was in the pillow!" He yells sitting up to rub his head.

"A hardback book I think." You pull at your chin thinking. Five scoffs at you before laying back down with his back facing you.

"Aww c'mon don't be such a baby, after what you did in the bathroom you deserve it." You chuckle slowly making your way towards his bed.

Fives breath hitches as he feels you close to him. Your arms wrap themselves around his waist loosely and he relaxes in your small embrace. He then turns to face you, both your breathing slow and relaxed as you look each other in the eyes.

"You look like you've suffered a lot before I met you." Five whispers gently blinking softly.

"Well, I can't say I haven't. It's been pretty hard. I'd never seen the outside world before this. The head at the orphanage kept me hidden in the basement at all times. Over the years I'd hear the children, crying or shouting happily when they found out they had been adopted. It hurt a lot but I guess if it didn't happen I wouldn't have had the chance to finally escape and meet you." You smiled at him before lifting your hand to brush your thumb against his cheek.

"Well, I'm glad you did run away. You didn't deserve what they did to you." He places a hand on yours that's on his face pulling it to kiss your bruised knuckle. 

"You look like you've seen a lot too Five." You continue to stoke his cheek.

"Well yeah I have. I mean when your alone with no one but Delores and an apocalyptic world. Having to survive by eating bugs and on the odd occasion finding canned food yeah. I've seen quite a lot." He chuckles bitterly.

"Who were those two at the department store?" You question him as he looks for an answer.

"Hazel and Cha-Cha. Assassins." He bluntly states. "I don't wanna talk about them." He continues.

"I've only met you for a day. Yet here you are, in my bed talking after everything I've put you through." He smiles.

"Well I guess I'm like a koala then aren't I. Glued to you." You wink at him grinning.

"I wish our bodies were a lot older right now. Your smiles aren't helping me. I may have the body of a 13 year old but you gotta remember. I'm 58. Lets sleep before we do something stupid." He finishes off snuggling into the crook of your neck and pulling your waist towards him.

"Goodnight." You giggle softly kissing the top of his head.

Authors notice:

I though this scene should deserve its own little chapter because its very cute. swOON.

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