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No pairing ... maybe ... sorry (Y/n)...
mentions of childhood trauma, abuse, sexual assault, graphic scenes and murder.

"They never suspected it to be me. I was the good one. I had always been the good one. The one who stayed quiet. The one with the brains. Not the brawn." He smiled turning and tilting his head to face the cop. His posture on the chair stayed loose as if he hadn't a care in the world.

"Why'd you do it? Why did you kill them?" The cop asked. He held an angry look, brows furrowed and lips pursed. His wrinkles showed the more he spoke.

"Ever heard of revenge?" The man laughed placing his cuffed hands on the table and leaning forward in the chair.

"They were you family. The only people you had in this word." The cop shook his head at the mans answer.

"They took the only person I had in the word." The mans voice shook with rage as he raised his voice. His hands fisted and heavily breathing.

"They took everything I had. How could I let them off. It was the last thing I'd ever stand for. And the last thing they'd ever take from me." The man began to chuckle bitterly.

"Let me tell you a little something. Just between the two of us."


"C'mon I just want a turn. I promise you'll get it back!" Luther pleaded for get the action figure. I let him play with it. When I asked for it back he told me he broke it. He gave me the only part that wasn't mangled by him. The head. I just cried and cried. I was 6 at the time.

The rest of the siblings just looked at me as I cried. Diego laughed at me with Allison and Vanya just turned her head.

Reginald saw me cry whilst I was holding the head. He told me to shut up and get over it. He hit me. Slapped me across the cheek and walked away. I was 6.

The next time was when I was 15. I had bought a new console that had come out. Diego came and played with me and we had a good time. Luther walked in whilst we were still playing and stood in front of the screen.

"Let me have a turn." He argued with me for a full 20 minutes before picking the console up and throwing it on the floor. Diego just looked shocked but ended up laughing.

I on the other hand. I cried once more. I saved 2 years worth of money that we barely got from that god forsaken man. Luther laughed at me and beat me up when Diego left. He called me a pussy and told me to 'man up' Straight after beating me to pulp and leaving me to bleed on the floor.

Luther ended up getting the same console as the one he had broken. He would not let me touch it at all or even step into his room any more. Diego on the other hand could do what he pleased. All the other siblings could do what they pleased. Except for me. Why?

The next time was when I was 19. I had a job by then and our powers were proven as more than useful. Mine however was the inconvenience. I couldn't control it.

We were on a mission and I had accidentally panicked because Allison had been hit. Klaus had ran towards her but was almost attacked if I hadn't gotten between them.

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