Extremely sorry...

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I'm sorry my little angels but I'm gonna have to postpone this book and other works... I'm going through a really hard time right now and my anxiety is sparking up. I'm just not really feeling myself lately. I guess it is the fasting and being devoted to my religion but it's also my mental health getting in the way. I recently dropped out of my college and found 3 jobs. I've been so stressed out with working just to find a decent place away from my parents. They're the typical devotees to religion and nothing else... I felt trapped around them as a 17 year old. It's not that I don't appreciate the help and the way they bought me up to have a better life. Since I dropped out of college for work and apprenticeships my moms been putting me in the dirt. I haven't spoken to her nor my dad in about 2 weeks. I really do feel the need to just breathe and get on without having to stress about writing because it isn't fun anymore right now. I don't have writers block I just don't have the time to type for an hour and a half when I barely get 6 hours sleep. After the month ends I will be sure to write when I'm relaxing because it helps a lot.

I'd like you guys to know that I appreciate all of you readers. Every single one of you who reads this is a gem in a world full of coal and I want you to know that even if you feel as if your not worth it, you're worth it to me. I want you all to be happy and it makes me so glad that you all have weird humour like me. Some of you are such clowns and it makes my stomach swirl when I read your comments on encouragement and how well I'm doing even though I'm actually really shit🤡  I really do love all of you guys. I don't know what I'd do without you readers 🥰  I hope you guys do read this and don't skip it because I'd like to pour my heart out to you guys (no matter how small it is) I'll be your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner if you guys need someone to speak to, no matter how small the situation I'll always be free for any of you guys and if your sad, happy, have exciting news, any news or anything at all I'll always try my best to reply to all of you ❤️✊

I really do love you guys 🥺🥺

I really do love you guys 🥺🥺

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